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Dec 9, 2002 - 11:24 PM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2461 · Replies: 5 · Views: 2,623


Joined Dec 7, '02
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when you take the control panel apart( the part where the stereo and the shifter is) its under where the stereo goes. start looking where the shifter is, then start to look forward. you should come to a silver metal box that looks like it really serves no purpose. when you find it fill underneath it and you should find to groups of wires hooked under it. that is the harnesses that you need. if that doesnt work then like i said you will have to start all over again. follow all the wires and make sure they all are connected. if the stereo comes on but you have no sound then it has to be something with the speaker wires. the wires run under the dash through the door jams to the front door via a hole in the door. you will have to take the door panels of to check them.im not sure on where the wires are run to the rear speakers but i can find out.

Dec 8, 2002 - 3:52 PM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2391 · Replies: 5 · Views: 2,623


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if he cut thr wires there is still a chance that the harness is still in the car. check the harness and see if the cut wires are connested to another set of wires by a plastic clip. if so, he didnt cut the cars wireing harness, he instead cut the harness from the back of his stereo. i bought a car where the owner had done the same thing. or there is a chance that he did not use the harness from the factory amp. if you locate the amp the factory wireing harness should be underneath it. just unplug them from the amp and you will bipass the other wires and be useing the correct wireing harness. if these wires are cut you may have to get the whole thing hard wired back to the fuse box. if you where any where near austin i could get this working for you in no time, but its kinda hard to explain if i cant see it. if you find the harness on the amp, you will know it because it has 2 deferent plugs.

1 plug has the wires for the 12v memory(continuose power)should be yellow.
it also has the acc power wire that turns it on when you turn your key to the on position,it is a red wire.
and i cant remember if it had a ground wire, it is black. if it doesnt have a ground wire then you will have to ground it somewhere else in the car. just find a good spot under the console. thats where i put it in my eclipse.
it also has the speaker connections for the front right and left. 2white wires and 2 grey wires(not sure wich is right or left)

the other plug has the rear speaker wires right and left. 2 purple wires and 2 green wires(not sure wich is wich)

if that is all hooked up right you may need to trace the wires back to the speakers and see if they where damaged when the other guy pulled his stereo out. or if he took the speakers out with it.

you did say that the stereo does turn on right. if the stereo is on then it is not a problem with the ground, 12v power, or acc power. you just need to make sure that your speaker wires are actually connected to the speakers in some way.

a few things that will keep them from making sound is if the wires are crossed(meaning the positive and negative side if the speaker wires are touching)just seperate them.
if the speakers voice coiles are broken. get new speakers.
or if they are not hooked up.

just go back and check over it all again. let me know what you find and ill get back to you. i check this board atleast once a day.

Dec 8, 2002 - 2:32 AM Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #2375 · Replies: 8 · Views: 2,481


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the interior is pimpin. i bet a lot of car stereo shops will use them for advo.
hmmm that might be an idea.

Dec 8, 2002 - 2:29 AM Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #2374 · Replies: 3 · Views: 3,829


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im from texas where it is extreme hot like all year round(ok not really) but it is hot. only if its hot enough to melt them. but then i would be worried about more than the cds. posobly a shattered window from the biuld up of pressure. that happened to my truck, that sucks.

Dec 8, 2002 - 2:20 AM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2373 · Replies: 17 · Views: 3,389


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QUOTE (1bwilson @ Nov 17 2002, 02:55 PM)
QUOTE (Cragspider @ Nov 17 2002, 02:45 PM)
Deffinatly looking good. I did mine in yellow and I have gotten nothing but mad props on it. I just need finish painting my speaker grills. I doubt that I will paint the overhead light housing. But here are some pics of my interior.
user posted image
user posted image

Looks good but it's a little to loud for me.


a little to loud. that **** is phat. thats the color im goin for. hey man where did you get the gauges. i gotta have those. send me an e-mail.

Dec 8, 2002 - 2:13 AM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2372 · Replies: 7 · Views: 3,279


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there is another foam that works like the bed liner stuff but its cheaper. plumbers use it when they need to fill a hole that they made adding a pipe to a brick wall. it comes in a spray bottle. i dont know what it is called but it works great. me and a freind of mine have used it some installs it works like a dream. you spray on a thin cote and it expands. you can get it any hardeware shop.

Dec 8, 2002 - 2:00 AM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2371 · Replies: 6 · Views: 2,726


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if you want it to look its best i wlould do a whole lot more cotes than 3 or 4. if you use duplicolor you wont need a primer but either way is fine. or you could use an acrilic paint. if you go to a hobby shop where they deal in deferent things like that, they can give some really good advise on what to use.

but as for the painting precess:
1. make sure thet u remove any peices that can be removed for painting.
2. before you start painting you want to clean every thing that will be painted, if you dont then theres no reason to primer it because it wont stick anyway. soak it in rubbing alchohal.
3. when painting you want to make fluid strokes back and forth across the object that you are painting. never let go of the button when painting because if you do the paint will come out speraticly when you press the bottun again. so start at a point past the object then go completely across it and pass it up before going back the other direction.
4. as far as how many cotes, do about 20-30. make them very thin. you should barely be able to tell that you have painted it until about the 3rd cote. if you do it this way it will look alot smoother and look as if it was made that way.
5. let it sit for about 24 hours before putting it back in.
6. put it back in and enjoy the pimpin.

good luck, what color are you gonna do?

sorry, i almost forgot. with the larger amount of cotes you may find that you dont need the clear cote, but you can add it if you want.

Dec 8, 2002 - 1:43 AM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2370 · Replies: 8 · Views: 2,825


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i know what the problem is............its broken, replace it. mine played cdr and cdrw but eventually the cd player would only play on one side of the car kinda like the balance was turned all the way to one side. i put in my clarion and never had the problem again. and even if it was the wromg format ive never seen it spit the cd out, it usually just reads all the songs as one long track, but wont play any sound.

Dec 8, 2002 - 1:36 AM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2369 · Replies: 12 · Views: 2,548


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has anyvody heard authority zero? they rock. or if you have a real good mix of highs and mids with good bass, jimmy eat world.

Dec 8, 2002 - 1:28 AM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2367 · Replies: 6 · Views: 2,220


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i dont like that brand very much. any amp can kick hard but i dont think the distortion on that brand is very good. if you want cheap power with very littke distortion go with crunch audio. they are cheap because they do not have a simisonic filter. all the simisonic filter does is filter out any frequencies under 20 mgz. wich the human ear cant hear anyways. and besides there arent many subs that can hit that low anyway. and even if there where, like i said, you wouldnt be able to here it. but you would be able to feel it. it feels something like mmmmhhhhh, you car falling apart j/k.

Dec 8, 2002 - 1:20 AM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2366 · Replies: 7 · Views: 2,525


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if you are running turbo u could but the boost controler there, but besides that a pocket or an eq would look fine. im useing a pocket right now until i decide what eq i want.

Dec 8, 2002 - 1:17 AM Forum: Interior/Audio/Electrical/Wiring · Post Preview: #2365 · Replies: 5 · Views: 2,623


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yes there is a factory amp. it is located right under the part that the stereo mounts. listen, did you use a wireing harness. it doesnt sound like you did because in order to make the wireing harness fit to the factory plugs you would have had to bypass the fact. amp. so if you didnt use a wireing harness that probably means that the wires where just cut the spliced together. and that would be a good reason that the speakers dont work. because you wouldnt have spliced into the speaker wires, you would have spliced into the amp wires instead. if thats not the case then tell me more about the install and i can probably give you the answer. you can get me here or send me an e-mail.

Dec 8, 2002 - 1:04 AM Forum: Engine/Transmission/Maintenance · Post Preview: #2364 · Replies: 27 · Views: 3,701


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i dont know much about the 4age or 4agze engines, but i can say that there are more things to it than just horsepower. what rpm range does it top out at. thats a supercharged engine right(not sure). but that can have an effect on how much boost you can get or what size turbo you can put on it. for my 5sfe i have to go with a turbo that kicks in at a lower rpm range and cant push a hole lot of boost. but the 3sgte can use a larger turbo that kicks later but boost a hole lot more. hp isnt the only thing to look at theres a lot more things that you will run into when moding your ride that you didnt think about.

Dec 8, 2002 - 12:51 AM Forum: Engine/Transmission/Maintenance · Post Preview: #2363 · Replies: 11 · Views: 3,042


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so many mixed opinions. the benifit of premium has already been expressed here, the major advantage of it is that it is a cleaner fuel. the regular fuel when put into an engine with a high compresion ratio or a boosted cylinder, will be more likely to detonate. the premium seems to be able to handle the compresion phase of the piston stroke a lot better without detonation. but that doesnt mean it wont happen. if you are running the wrong compresion ratio with to much boost it will still suffer detonation.

Dec 7, 2002 - 6:03 AM Forum: Engine/Transmission/Maintenance · Post Preview: #2319 · Replies: 9 · Views: 2,665


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hey neverstop, did you really change a gt to an alltrac? i wasnt sure if that was econamically possible. but anyhow ive been contemplating the same idea. shoot me an e-mail so i can get some ideas from you. later.

Dec 7, 2002 - 5:51 AM Forum: Engine/Transmission/Maintenance · Post Preview: #2318 · Replies: 21 · Views: 3,734


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if you dont like the looks of the exhaust you r finding dont get them. the reason you cant find an exhaust that fits your car is because you are probably trying to find a direct fit one. just find a nice univeresal muffler(im going with ractive or borla)and get a shop to do the pipeing. for a n/a car i would definetly not go with pipeing bigger than 2.25 because you will loose tq. when chooseing a shop make sure you find one that can do mendral bends and you should be set. lets face it guys we just dont have the suport that hondas mad.gif have.

as for the cai, if it doesnt pull air from a location that it can recieve clod air then it will not be a cold air intake. even if it does have a heat resistant sheild or cover or paint or whatever else they use. but on the other token, if the intake does get its air from a cold location but it the gets heated up before it reaches the engine, then it is not a cold air intake either. so the covering and the location of where it gets the air work hand in hand.

Dec 7, 2002 - 5:37 AM Forum: Engine/Transmission/Maintenance · Post Preview: #2317 · Replies: 27 · Views: 3,701


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i have also seen 3-sgte swaps for a price around 3800 but that was in the gt model not the st. and im pretty sure u have to do some work to the mounts to make the the engine fit. but if u want to find the engine you can find one at toysport.com or ebay usually has some for a good price. j-spec my friend. thats where the power is. get the japanese model.

Dec 7, 2002 - 5:26 AM Forum: Engine/Transmission/Maintenance · Post Preview: #2316 · Replies: 6 · Views: 2,036


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ive seen 3-sgte engines for sale at pretty low prices. try toysport.com. im not sure the engine will drop right into the st though. you may need to to some work with the mounts. but if you do it you are probably looking at buying the engine, you will need to get the ecu for the 3-sgte. or you could just do a stand alone engine management, its a little pricey though. infact a few people i know that did this swap said that they had trouble running it with the regular ecu and decided to go with the stand alone unit so that they coud run there own maps. the 3-sgte is in my opinion the best idea for high horses. but if you are just looking for something with a little more power and options just find a used 5-sfe, im pretty happy with mine.

Dec 7, 2002 - 5:13 AM Forum: Engine/Transmission/Maintenance · Post Preview: #2315 · Replies: 6 · Views: 2,354


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i dont think it makes much of a diference. the reason there are so many mixed opinions on this subject is because most people that do it have it done the same time that they do there whole exhaust. thats why they think that it helped the horspower. the only difference you will get in taking out or replaceing it is if the old one was start to get clogged or something. and it will have an effect on the exhaust tone( good or bad i dont know).

Well if your talking abotu the CAT...I have heard diferent stories. I mean casue you dont want to push alot o air in and have it where it cant get out and on the other hand you dont want to push some in and have too much flow coming out. So who knows.
I have mine done and I seen soem performeance but jsut gut it and stick it back up there its and easy and free mod!

its not like you are pushing air from a smaller pipe into a larger pipe and then back into a smaller one because the reason the cat is bigger than the rest of the exhaust piping is because of the honeycomb stuff inside it. the honeycomb stuff inside takes up space, so in order to compensate they make the canester larger. now if you gut it out then you would have a section of pipe with a larger volume than the rest but it will not restrict anything. the air will just move slower when it reaches that portion and then go faster when it hits the smaller part again. so it really doesnt make much of a difference. i got one for my old eclipse and the only difference between the factory one and the highflow one was wieght. the performance one was i little lighter. i hardly think its worth trouble.

Dec 7, 2002 - 3:48 AM Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #2314 · Replies: 8 · Views: 2,481


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has anyone seen project scion from toyota. ive already got my torch ready. that thing is not going to go well in the states. ill get a link if i can find one.

Dec 7, 2002 - 3:44 AM Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #2313 · Replies: 19 · Views: 2,966


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lagwagon, tupac, outkasts, taproot, tool, godsmack, sevendust, spineshank, staind, you know the good stuff.

Dec 7, 2002 - 3:36 AM Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #2312 · Replies: 21 · Views: 3,487


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hey guys. austin texas right here, so that makes 4 of us. shoot me an e-mail. sleepy_b@usahotmail.com. or instant massage me. my yahoo id is sleepy_b9

when you say bay area do you mean houston. because i could go there and back in one day. im down for houston

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