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> Who were you in HS?
post Jun 24, 2005 - 1:50 AM
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Joined Dec 6, '03
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In highschool I was basically friends with everyone, and I had all the girls numbers in the cell wink.gif, I wasn't popular but I never had any problems and could never pick a side with any fight (only bad thing rolleyes.gif )

Only thing that happened bad to me in HS was got played by some girls I knew, but one moved away and the other one talks to me sometimes.

This post has been edited by Phat_Boi: Jun 24, 2005 - 1:51 AM
post Jun 24, 2005 - 1:56 AM
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Joined Oct 22, '02
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everyone seems to hate highschool
for me they were some of the best years of my life!!

i loved highschool, had a gorgeous gf, had my click, everyone knew everyone else.. it was great!

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post Jun 24, 2005 - 2:17 AM
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Joined Mar 11, '04
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HS was fun but I'm glad it is done with smile.gif I was the shy prepy kid who was into cars. Was friends with anyone who wanted to have a friend. Also people thought of me as a car guy go figure biggrin.gif

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post Jun 24, 2005 - 2:31 AM
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Joined Jul 22, '03
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i tried to be friends with everyone but i was resented for that - they wanted me to pick a group - and i was the preppy nerd (straight a's and played sports) so the only time i got attention from girls was for help with schoolwork - that's what i thought at least - may have been a defense thing since i'm shy with the ladies til this day

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post Jun 24, 2005 - 2:38 AM
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I can def relate to the shy guys out there. I still have trouble with that. I got along with everyone for the most part and hung out with a few close friends that I still have and the other car guys. I did well in school so the only time girls ever really talked to me is if they needed help with work or needed some help with their car. But all in all it was a fun time.

Jesus! He brought a six-shooter! There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?- Boondock Saints
post Jun 24, 2005 - 3:57 AM
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i was a nerd, still am...

i loved HS. I wasnt the most popular kid, but people knew who i was because i editor of the paper, so i wasnt a social outcast either. Anyway, none of that mattered to me. I had a great group of friends, and thats what made HS great for me.

This post has been edited by orvillescelica: Jun 24, 2005 - 3:58 AM


Its Orville's Celica, i just drive it...
post Jun 24, 2005 - 10:04 AM
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I was a drama geek, spent most of HS in the auditorium rolleyes.gif

post Jun 24, 2005 - 10:07 AM
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Joined Mar 4, '03
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Tina not trying to be rude at all but I know how the drama kids were looked at at my high school...were u made fun of at all?!


On a side note --- What kind of high school did yall go to?

Mine was definetly white guys thinking they were gangsta and grew up in the ghetto when they live in a 300,000 dollar house. It was amusing. Senior year we had more ghetto girl fights then guy fights.

What are some highlights of your high school career??

We had a small passenger plane crash into our football field
Bomb scare cuz some kid wrote a note then took it to the principal saying he found it
Earthquake in 10th grade - that was awesome..i got on my cell phone as it was happening haha!

and my personal highlight was putting on a car show for senior project and getting the highest grade

I didnt attend prom or graduation cuz I didnt like anyone at my school nor did they like me :-D]

Our school was pretty unique - when it was first built it was just large open space and there were seventeen 20-min periods

Heres the history of my high school!

Juanita High School has been a “Rebel” since its inception. It began as an idea as part of the 1960’s educational change. In the early days, known as the “Juanita Concept”, JHS was developed and nurtured in the late 1960’s by John Strauss, Juanita’s first principal, and came to fruition with the opening of Juanita in 1971. The concept included an open architectural design sometimes compared to the architecture of a warehouse. Juanita’s large open area was surrounded by an auditorium, music area, industrial arts and art area, photo and business rooms, the KIVA, science room and the main office. The Juanita concept embraced innovative educational concepts, like respect for the student, mastery learning, performance based learning, credit for work completed, individualized instruction, and the development of life long learning skills. Ironically some of these concepts have reemerged as hallmarks of recent education reform.

Juanita officially opened on September 4, 1971, but because the building was not ready for occupancy until November 13, the first nine weeks were spent double shifting at Redmond High School. The curriculum for math, science, social studies, and language arts was contracted with the Westinghouse Learning Corporation for the first two years of Juanita’s existence. Assignments were printed in teaching-student units (TLU’s) which were obtained from the teacher. Students tested individually in the Testing Center and tests were scored overnight by a computer that resided in Iowa City, Iowa and results ere reported on printouts posted outside teachers’ office cubicles the next morning. Many people confused this computer with “Chester”, which was housed in the blue plexiglass structure, located in several different places in the open area during the first ten years of Juanita’s existence. Chester was, in fact, an audio and video tape retrieval machine, that allowed students throughout the building to listen to audio tapes or view video tapes (there were many audio channels and two video channels) using headphones and monitors in carrels sprinkled throughout the open area.

The schedule that was used the first two years was quite revolutionary and controversial. It consisted of seventeen 20-minute periods, called “mods” which allowed both large and small group instruction. The purpose was to encourage individualization and accommodate partial credit. Most classes were small—12 to 16 students—and student schedules were flexible, with about 60% of their time in class and about 40% unstructured. Students were expected to work on homework assignments and testing during that time. The free time and small class size allowed a strong camaraderie to blossom between staff and students. Classes in the open area met at seminar tables scattered throughout. In 1973 the mod schedule was replaced by a seven-period schedule, and that schedule was replaced in 1981 with the six period schedule, the one Juanita uses today along with occasional block scheduled days.

Many factors affected Juanita’s inability to maintain the “Juanita Concept”. One of the biggest was the Basic Education Law passed by the Washington legislature in the mid-1970’s, which based school district funding on students being “in class” 55-minutes for six periods a day. The 12-16 student classes swelled to 30-33 students and the open area was transformed into a collection of ordinary classrooms partially separated by small wooden student lockers and cupboards. It was not long until talk of “remodel” was heard;1984 saw the beginning of a two year remodeling project which partitioned the “open area” into classrooms and hallways. Juanita took on the look that it has today.

This post has been edited by BlackCelicaGT94: Jun 24, 2005 - 10:14 AM

Cruisin down the street in my Infiniti...always lookin for my next trip to Sin City
post Jun 24, 2005 - 10:09 AM
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Joined Nov 12, '03
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i was the kid that was there. got along with everyone, played soccer, and get in trouble here in there. im the one thats not that smart but has passing grades.

2011 Subaru WRX and 1997 3sgte Celica
post Jun 24, 2005 - 11:19 AM
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Joined Aug 31, '02
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i used to spend as much time as i could in Art class or Music.

the highschool i went to was a very ghetto city school... we were often called freaks just because we wore ripped jeans and stuff. ha

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post Jun 24, 2005 - 11:36 AM
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Joined Jun 8, '04
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I was the guy who was quite intelligent, played most sports, knew half the people and (as far as I knew) nobody hated me and I never got picked on. So I guess I liked HS.

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post Jun 24, 2005 - 11:46 AM
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Joined Jun 19, '05
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funniest shyt it mine.. assistant principal didnt like my friend ryan.. they fought all the time and he was so sick of him.. the AP one day when ryan was in the bathroom took out a knife and stabbed himself.. told the story that ryan had did it.. ryan got charged with attempted murder.. the AP was found to be guilty of lying 3 times and so much other shyt.. in the end ryans driving a bmw M3.. acura Rsx.. Blazer (fully decked out) and a mercedes..

post Jun 24, 2005 - 12:31 PM
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QUOTE(BlackCelicaGT94 @ Jun 24, 2005 - 11:07 AM)
Tina not trying to be rude at all but I know how the drama kids were looked at at my high school...were u made fun of at all?!


Actually no I wasn't made fun of at all. I was friends with a lot of people outside of the drama club. Our Drama Club put on the best shows out of any HS in our area, a lot of my friends who werent involved had a lot of respect for what we did. We would rehears 6:30- 9 every day and 9-5 on Sat. Im proud of the organization I was in.

post Jun 24, 2005 - 1:42 PM
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Joined Dec 21, '03
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I was the low status guy where people, most everyone, knew who I was, but didn't KNOW me, and I didn't really hang out w/ anyone because I was a transfer student. Once I found my group of friends, we were all tight, but I was a skater most of that time, and completely anti-political bs at my school. I was a rebel w/o a cause. There was a lot of snobby kids and **** talkers and just fake people at my school. My school was fake, so I decided to be anti-fake.
post Jun 24, 2005 - 5:17 PM
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Joined Mar 18, '04
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I was the kid always ditchen school w/ her friends biggrin.gif well not always but...sometimes! I hated school....Didnt like being surrounded by all the snobby peeps. rolleyes.gif

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post Jun 24, 2005 - 5:41 PM
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Joined Nov 27, '04
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QUOTE(BLINKYxMUNKEY @ Jun 24, 2005 - 10:09 AM)
i was the kid that was there. got along with everyone, played soccer, and get in trouble here in there. im the one thats not that smart but has passing grades.

Holy effin DITTO. pretty much same thing went on, except i was more than there i was the loud kid that did whatever and won some school spirit award for doing so, High School Deffinatley the best thing in my life so far, but good that im out cause now i got way more time to work and party.....

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post Jun 24, 2005 - 5:52 PM
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Im still In highschool but....

Im the semi-popular girl... Not popular, but still having a lot of friends and aquantances... Im seen aroun my school as the happy kid, who is always laughing and joking around with friends. Everyone likes me as far as I know... Im just girl everyone's cool with... I may not speak out a whole lot, but people still like me a lot... But if I wanted to... I could be popular, thats wht all my friends tell me....

The only people I know who cant stand me, are the school stoners... LOL

But I love high school Im sad Im graduating next year.... frown.gif

This post has been edited by CelicaBuddy: Jun 24, 2005 - 5:57 PM


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post Jun 25, 2005 - 12:10 AM
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Joined Mar 23, '03
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I was runner-up for prom king, what does that make me?

Really depends on which school you talk about. I was the nice guy to everyone and had no enemies. But my rep changed from school to school. Sad thing is I had a bigger rep. at another local school then the school I went to.
post Jun 27, 2005 - 3:24 PM
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Joined May 20, '04
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Let's see High School seems so long ago but... I was the outgoing very outspoken but not at all preppy girl. I talked to mostly guys I was in auto and that was really one of the only classes I went to...I passed the rest of the classes with the lowest grades poss. because I thought I was too good for homework or class. I talked to everyone but spent all my time with anyone that wanted to party. The dean was sure to see me at least 4 times a week. Let's put it this way I was expelled by spring break my freshman year! Somehow I graduated early and started my own business, people that didnt know me then but know me know cant believe that I was like that .I look back and think what the hell was wrong with me! I wish that all I had to worry about now was good grades and school!
post Jun 27, 2005 - 5:54 PM
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Joined Apr 14, '03
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well i played like 4 sports in high school so i guess you can call me a jock but i was liked by all. i was friends with everybody and all those different clicks. i was an average student but i dont regret anything in hs.

What are some highlights of your high school career??

1. Senior prank...dropping 200 superbounce balls in the main hallway and letting lab mice out in the library. me and my buddies almost didnt get to graduate b/c of it but everything worked out. lemme tell you, it was the funniest thing ever.

2. Getting all county for goalkeeper in soccer and then making the empire state team.

This post has been edited by Jdog1385: Jun 27, 2005 - 5:59 PM

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