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> Remote Starter, Does anyone have one installed in at manual?
post Dec 26, 2005 - 8:42 PM
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Joined Sep 28, '03
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I've just been given a remote starter for my Celi for X-mas from Circuit City. Now I KNOW that these can be installed in a manual, but when I took it up there to have it installed (already paid for the install) They said "Sure, sticks are no problem". 6 hrs later i get a call from one of the techs saying they can't install it BECAUSE it's a manual. So, my question is, does anyone have it installed in their manual and no of anyplace that is willing to do it (CIrcuit City is all about liabilities). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want this in my car SOOO bad.

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post Dec 26, 2005 - 8:57 PM
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cc wont do it. neither will best buy or the rest of those type of places. its kind of a under the table type of install. i did it. got it working for a day. then there was a short somewhere and it wouldnt turn my radiator fan off. tried everything in the book. even bryan and coomer tried to help me out. speakin of coomer, i think he had it on his. then he hit his garage.....

post Dec 26, 2005 - 10:16 PM
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Joined Mar 25, '05
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I know heaps of people here in Australia that has them.
There are place here that would installed them.
But they tend not to tell their insurance company that
they've it tongue.gif
I know you can modify it so it doesnt start in gear, so it
has to be in neutral.


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post Dec 26, 2005 - 11:04 PM
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QUOTE(CelicaZR @ Dec 26, 2005 - 10:16 PM) [snapback]371379[/snapback]

I know heaps of people here in Australia that has them.
There are place here that would installed them.
But they tend not to tell their insurance company that
they've it tongue.gif
I know you can modify it so it doesnt start in gear, so it
has to be in neutral.

Any idea of how to do that? that would be perfect.

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post Dec 27, 2005 - 9:19 AM
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Joined Dec 16, '02
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I installed it on my car. The big problem is that you can't leave your car in gear if you want to start it cause it will move forward. I think coomers car hit his garage and I know i rear ended my parents truck... Its a pretty easy install. You can do it yourself if the box instructions tell you what wires go where. You can also get the wiring scheme from bulldog security.

Now the thing that you have to bypass is the clutch. I just took my clutch wires and wired them together. I nol onger have to put my clutch in to start the car. I also have cruise so I had to make a switch when I got warmer. Its pretty easy to wire a switch to the panel by the trunk release. Theres a spot for it.

I called and most places won't do it because of liability with it being able to move if its left in gear.

post Dec 27, 2005 - 3:47 PM
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yeah, i wish i could help. i have an auto and i also have the remote start. but i have afreind with a manual del sol and he has the push button start and the remote start...so i know you can do it. it's just that these prof places don't want to get in trouble if you mess up starting it in gear. good luck tho kindasad.gif

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this is what happens when your little brother is better at photoshop than you are
post Dec 30, 2005 - 5:58 PM
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Joined Jan 30, '05
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I think it might be illegal to have remote start with 5 speed. We hooked one up in my bro's, and I'll be putting them in the new vehicles..

If anyone needs interior stuff, etc, I'm parting whats left of my celi out. Just ask.
post Dec 31, 2005 - 12:01 AM
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I have it and it works great. my car is warm and the music bumpin when i get in my car. i just never leave it in gear (which i never did anyways) and its no problem. pretty easy install too.
post Jan 2, 2006 - 2:00 AM
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it's not illegal but like said before, it's just a bad liability that installation company's don't want to be held for. my friend had one installed in his SRT-4 and had in writing that it was supposed to have a sensor that didn't allow it to start while in gear. Well after starting it and having it run into the side of his house he's suing the company.

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post Jan 2, 2006 - 2:39 PM
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QUOTE(Jeremy1210 @ Dec 27, 2005 - 9:19 AM) [snapback]371499[/snapback]

you have to bypass is the clutch. I just took my clutch wires and wired them together. I nol onger have to put my clutch in to start the car.

That's what I've been wanting to do. Anybody know how I can do it?

post Jan 2, 2006 - 2:45 PM
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Joined Jan 30, '05
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Follow your clutch pedal up, and look for a switch towards the absolulte top of the pedal.

At the switch, bypass it by either cutting the switch out, and jumping the two leads, or just solder a jumper in across the two terminals of the switch. If youre not good with electrical, you could wire nut the two exposed leads togther.

You might even be able to hold the switch closed with tape or something of that nature, but the pedal might eventually wear through it..

If anyone needs interior stuff, etc, I'm parting whats left of my celi out. Just ask.
post Jan 11, 2006 - 3:03 AM
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Joined Dec 9, '05
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um yea, my cousin has one of those things kinda like a club xcept it goes on the break pedal " he has an automatic" u kno so the brake wont come out, its pushed in all the way, i was thinking like cant you use one of those club thingy's on the clutch pedal so even if it is in gear it wont move? just a theory tho, never truly driven a manual tongue.gif

Is this good enuff 4 ya? :D

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post Jan 11, 2006 - 8:37 PM
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Joined Aug 17, '03
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yeah a compustar 2wss or somethin has the potential to bypass teh clutch so that it ONLY starts in neutral and won't budge in gear.... search and u might find it smile.gif

Found it

post Jan 11, 2006 - 10:47 PM
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Joined Dec 21, '05
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I have the compustar remote starter and its great. There is always the possiblity of the car starting/moving if it is not in neutral, therefore make sure its in neutral. I'm used to it now so it's automatic for me to keep it in neutral.
post Jan 11, 2006 - 11:05 PM
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Joined Dec 21, '05
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it actually is illegal to have it installed in most states, since you can poteintially kill someone with it. my friend with his mr2 ran it into his garage when he started it. a way to wire it up so the safety feature for regular starting with the key is still working you get a relay hook both sides of the clutch wires to pin 87 and pin 30 then 12v constant to pin 85 and status output (blue/white in pythons) to pin 86. I work for the circuit city install shop so i know that we can't install it but if you slip some money on the side i'm sure they can arrange it for you or if you sign a disclaimer or something.

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