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> Clutch Trouble (a long problem) please help, I think im getting screwed
post Apr 24, 2006 - 6:05 PM
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Joined Feb 25, '03
From Sebastian, FL.
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I was having trouble with my clutch a few months back... every now and then it wouldnt shift properly and had to be forced. I figured the clutch needed to be replaced, it has 110k+ miles on it and just seemed to make sense. In order to avoid any trouble i figured i would take it to Toyota and pay the extra money to have it done right. They replaced my master and slave 900 and when i get it back it wont even shift... No grinding... it just wont got into different gears. Its fickle, cause sometimes if i work through the gears before i turn it on once i get going it will be ok and then later give out. I take it back they say i need a new Clutch Cable (still not sure what that is), and that i have a couple oil leaks that caused the cable to deteriorate. Ok i think i needed to fix the leak anyway so 1300 dollars later the leak is fixed and cable replaced. They said during the test drive that my clutch was slipping but when i went with the guy to take it around the block i didnt notice anything. So i take it home, only to have a new problem. After i leave first and stop again it wont come out of neutral, So at every stop sign i have to turn off the engine and start back up in first gear. Then it wont down shift of shift properly either. The shifter just moves back in forth in the neutral zone and wont go into gear. Just wanted to know if you guys think this is kinda fishy (or had any ideas as to what the problem is)... If replacing the clutch will fix this then i'll gladly lay down the 900 they're saying it will take but I'm worried that another problem will "pop up" and my car will never be fixed. frown.gif

Please Help!!!
post Apr 24, 2006 - 9:10 PM
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Joined Apr 24, '06
From danielmalnati@sbcglobal.n
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QUOTE(GT_silver @ Apr 24, 2006 - 6:05 PM) [snapback]425872[/snapback]

I was having trouble with my clutch a few months back... every now and then it wouldnt shift properly and had to be forced. I figured the clutch needed to be replaced, it has 110k+ miles on it and just seemed to make sense. In order to avoid any trouble i figured i would take it to Toyota and pay the extra money to have it done right. They replaced my master and slave 900 and when i get it back it wont even shift... No grinding... it just wont got into different gears. Its fickle, cause sometimes if i work through the gears before i turn it on once i get going it will be ok and then later give out. I take it back they say i need a new Clutch Cable (still not sure what that is), and that i have a couple oil leaks that caused the cable to deteriorate. Ok i think i needed to fix the leak anyway so 1300 dollars later the leak is fixed and cable replaced. They said during the test drive that my clutch was slipping but when i went with the guy to take it around the block i didnt notice anything. So i take it home, only to have a new problem. After i leave first and stop again it wont come out of neutral, So at every stop sign i have to turn off the engine and start back up in first gear. Then it wont down shift of shift properly either. The shifter just moves back in forth in the neutral zone and wont go into gear. Just wanted to know if you guys think this is kinda fishy (or had any ideas as to what the problem is)... If replacing the clutch will fix this then i'll gladly lay down the 900 they're saying it will take but I'm worried that another problem will "pop up" and my car will never be fixed. frown.gif

Please Help!!!

Hey, sorry to hear about your problem man, but I don't think your clutch is the problem. I think you have more of a tranny problem. It sounds like possibly the shift fork could be bad. If you have been slamming the gears hard for that many miles, then it wears that down or possibly a sync. ring or something. You wouldn't neccesarily have to hear grinding for a tranny problem. You might want to check it out.
post Apr 25, 2006 - 4:10 PM
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Joined Oct 1, '02
From fall river, ma
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so wait, slow down.
you paid toyota 900$ to do a master and slave,
and when that didnt work, you paid them 1300 to replace a shifter cable and leak??
now your thinking about paying them ANOTHER 900$ for them to actually do the clutch, the thing that was more than likely the problem in the first place?
ouch, i bet your butt hurts REAL bad on that one.
i think your getting screwed royally.

Former Team 5SFTE pro member ;)

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post Apr 25, 2006 - 11:47 PM
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Joined Mar 19, '06
From augusta ga
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QUOTE(presure2 @ Apr 25, 2006 - 4:10 PM) [snapback]426340[/snapback]

so wait, slow down.
you paid toyota 900$ to do a master and slave,
and when that didnt work, you paid them 1300 to replace a shifter cable and leak??
now your thinking about paying them ANOTHER 900$ for them to actually do the clutch, the thing that was more than likely the problem in the first place?
ouch, i bet your butt hurts REAL bad on that one.
i think your getting screwed royally.

ditto big time
before you spend more money at the dealer i would try to bleed
the clutch system first
i did a slave on a cavalier once and it didn't have a bleeder valve on the
slave and untill i got all the air out it would do the same thing cause the clutch wasn't fully engaging
which from the sound of that dealer it sounds like somthing they
would do to get you to bring it back in so they could charge you more money.

94 st
post Apr 26, 2006 - 12:03 AM
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Joined Mar 22, '06
From Wesley chapel, Florida
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i think that morbiddelusions is right i had that prob with my mx3 when i did the motor swap i had to get a new one and i didnt bleed it dumbass me lol but i did and it worked great after that

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post Apr 26, 2006 - 8:02 PM
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Joined Feb 25, '03
From Sebastian, FL.
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dammit i just thought about bleeding the other day... but i still dont see why I cant move out of the neutral position... if anything it should just grind right?? Im not as automotively inclined as i would like to be and even more unfortunate i dont have the facilities to do any of this work myself. I think im gonna take it to a place on base and see if they think the same. Thanx for all the help... Looks like i will be walking funny for a few months... THANKS TOYOTA SERVICE DEPARTMENT!!!

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