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> the da vinci code movie spoiler, yell this to the people waiting to get in to the next show
post May 21, 2006 - 6:13 PM
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Joined Mar 31, '06
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The Da Vinci Code staring Tom Hanks, directed by Ron Howard will soon be released in the first part of this year (May 19). This movie will have the potential to deceive billions of the worlds population. The story line attacks the very heart of the Gospel and attempts to destroy the very nature and character of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God. (Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed? Psalm 2:1, 2)

Satan knows his time is about up and now he will attempt to take one of his best shots by enlisting all of hell to belch out its worse deception in that of stripping Jesus Christ of His Di vine nature and turning him into a mere man who secretly marries Mary Magdalene. To add insult to injury the story depicts the idea that certain shadowy Christian groups for 2,000 years have purposely and secretly hidden this so called fact behind the scenes and thus it is finally revealed in a coded message buried in Leonardo Da Vincis painting. Even the movie trailer for this story presents it as the truth finally revealed about Jesus! (this is just what the Islamic Fascists need to give added credence to their bloody, destructive campaign of global terror!)

It is time for Christians (the Body of Christ) everywhere to rise up and expose this lie from the pit of hell that will be perpetuated on the whole world in just a couple of short months. This is no time to back down in the day of battle. It is a time to pray and fast like never before that God will raise up a standard against the enemy as he comes in like a flood. Satan always overplays his hand and once again he is about to overplay it big time because as usual he overplays it right into Gods plan to present the truth to the whole world. And thi s Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come Matthew 24:14 Oswald Chambers states in his timeless writing My Utmost For His Highest Our calling is not primarily to be holy men and women but to be proclaimers of the Gospel of God. The one all-important thing is that the Gospel of God should be recognized as the abiding reality Yet we have to ask ourselves today when this abiding reality comes under direct attack who will defend it? The answer can only be that those of us who have been transformed by its truth for eternity will and must defend it here and now.

We can only say about Tom Hanks & Ron Howard Father forgive them for they know not what they do but to the enemy of the cross we can only declare to him, go ahead take your best shot because your time is up and you will soon be cast into the lake of fire."

The movie and book is fiction, but to alot of lost people, they will be decieved into thinking its true. Flame me or whatever, but this is my stand. I am a Youth Pastor, father, and husband. I will stand on the Bible,the infalable word of God. It is still as real today as it ever has been. Sorry if i offended anyone, but what the movie is saying about my Lord offends me.
post May 21, 2006 - 6:46 PM
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Joined Jul 14, '03
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k wtf


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post May 21, 2006 - 7:07 PM
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Joined Dec 8, '05
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wow, a 3rd page. okay... this movie is fiction. that means it is not true. its not supposed to offend anyone. and as for the religion battle.... i'm not trying to convert anyone's religion. and everyone needs to stop trying to change everyone else's beliefs. can't we all just get along? there is some truth to the bible, yes. religion says god created man. science says man was created through evolution. that symbol of the fish with jesus (you see on some cars) is saying that religion and science can co-exist.... the theory that man (and other creatures) evolved from sea creatures, but then what did those creatures evolve from? and those before them? evolution can only go so far back. life had to have started somehow. angels and demons mentions some stuff about god and science being able to co-exist peacefully. that was a pretty good book too. even better than the da vinci code imo. they should also make that into a movie.

This post has been edited by j0e_p3t: May 21, 2006 - 7:10 PM

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ss-iii splitters and 404 skirts are on. which means i need to update my sig.
post May 21, 2006 - 7:07 PM
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Joined Sep 4, '03
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The thing that everybody seems to miss in all of this off the subject posting is that, when it all boils down, everyone here is a person who has feelings. I think i can say Everybody here wants to be treated with respect, and nobody likes to hear an attack about their core beliefs. It's my understanding that the bible tells us to "do unto others as you would have done unto you", and I honestly believe that rule, regadless of what my viewpoints on religion are... I also understand that the Bible says not to pass judgement onto other people, and I also try to live my life this way. Hopefully everyone here feels the same, and put into perspective of how not everybody thinks the same, holds the same "value system", and therefore arent going to see eye to eye on somthing so personal and held dear... So think of this before everybody tries to defend their beliefs or acuse others of being ignorant. life's too short to have it matter that much smile.gif

Car #3: 98 Accord LX- purchased 5/06, totaled 8/06
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post May 21, 2006 - 7:09 PM
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Joined Jul 14, '03
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whatever, everyone has different beliefs and whatever else. we're never going to settle on one true belief. there is always going to be debates.. so deal with it people.

even if this movie does go against everything you believe in, it's still a good movie.

get over it.


Celica traded for.. 350z.. traded for Mazda5.. soccer mom!
post May 21, 2006 - 7:34 PM
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I think you should all die.

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post May 21, 2006 - 7:41 PM
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Joined Feb 10, '03
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The movie and book is fiction, but to alot of lost people, they will be decieved into thinking its true.


this describes the bible perfectly thank you pastor.

This post has been edited by Supersprynt: May 21, 2006 - 7:45 PM

post May 21, 2006 - 8:35 PM
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Joined May 6, '05
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Supersprynt, you should be ashamed of yourself. How do you get off telling an extremely religious person like Daniel there is no God? The existance of a Superior Deity cannot be proved or disproved. So you too, have stated fiction as fact.

You've probably never met Dan. You probably never will. Who gives a **** if he wants to say something is fact without proof? Do you think belittling his beliefs will turn him into an atheist like you? It won't accomplish anything except making you look like an insensitive jerk.

hey, nice mod does it come in hetero?

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post May 21, 2006 - 10:11 PM
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Joined Feb 6, '03
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infallibility, inferribility.... makes all the difference between many branches of religion - believe what you want, just dont force your beliefs upon others - have respect and tolerance for others viewpoints even if you dont exactly agree with them...that would be the divine way to deal with it smile.gif - now flame on! wink.gif

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