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> I think I need a new battery, What do you people think?
post Aug 19, 2003 - 4:18 AM
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Joined Nov 8, '02
From Narragansett,RI
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Well, I pretty much have it down to the battery for my current problem. Here's the things that have been happening to me recently...........

- Car was parked and left running for about an hour, then I turned it off. When I went to turn it back on shorty afterwards, it started, but hesitated to do start.

- I had my hazard lights on with the car turned off for about a half hour and I turned her on and she hesitated to start.

- I left my lights on for about 20 min and it totally killed my battery.(Aren't lights
suppossed to last a bit longer than 20 min with the car off?)

It seems like I do alot of weird things to my car, but I drive fulltime for Domino's Pizza and I sometimes get back from a delivery and just leave my car running before I go back out for another one. Anyway, once the car is started up and I'm driving around, I have no power loses, so I would think that would eliminate the possibility of my alternator going. What do you guys think about this? Battery or Alternator?

By the way, what are some good batteries out there. I've had an Interstate battery ever since I bought the car and that would mean that it's been there for at least 110,000 miles. I've heard that Die Hard is pretty good too, but I've never bought a battery before. I'd appreciate some help from you guys. Thanks
post Aug 19, 2003 - 4:25 AM
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each time you get done driving.

shut off the car and all the lights and everything

see what happens. like if it still hesitates to start.

you can try a different battery but i dont think that is it.

try optima red top i think. look on ebay for them to get the best deal.

also check on a high output altenator or a recoiled one.
post Aug 26, 2003 - 1:25 PM
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Joined Aug 31, '02
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Just go by any auto parts or battery place and have them load test it. usually doesnt cost anything. but if its been in for more than 3 years, just replace it anyway...not worth the trouble or the cost of having a mechanic check things out for an old $60 battery. if its not bad now, it will be soon... if you have access to a voltmeter, verify you have at least 12v with the car off and approx 14v with the car running, if you do, the charging system should be fine, if its under 11v with the car off, your battery is weak. most portable Bat load testers have a built-in voltmeter, so look at it running and off while it is hooked up (not while they have it under load)...
post Aug 26, 2003 - 2:47 PM
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Joined Oct 9, '02
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Doesn't our lights shut off when we exit the car and close the door... well atleast mine do. Also when I needed a new battery I would hear this weird ticking noise coming from the dash when I turned on my headlights, I didn't know it at the time but when my car wouldn't start without jumpers it all made sense, and a new battery stopped the ticking noise.
post Aug 27, 2003 - 4:30 AM
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Joined Mar 4, '03
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Another possibility from what I've heard is a bad ground somewhere (like really bad smile.gif) Supposedly that could sap your battery pretty quickly. Although I'm not too sure about that, something someone told me recently. What does every1 else think about this?

It would cost you like $10 to get a battery place to test the bat for you (or they might even do it and a quote on a new one for free for you. I happen to be lucky in that at our farm we have about 20 batteries lying around, and 3 heavy duty battery chargers biggrin.gif

Since you said you've noticed nothing wrong when its running I would cross the alternator off the list for now, usually when they go you notice it!

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