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> Screw ups at work, What have you done?
post Dec 16, 2008 - 12:48 PM
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Joined Feb 6, '08
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So i kinda screwed some things up at work the other day and i just thought i'd post it then you guys could write any stories yo have...

So its getting colder up here, its been like a cool 20 degrees for the last few days. So i work graveyard, and on sunday nights when i go into work i am the guy who has to turn on the lights and open some doors and such. My plant has several big building with a million different types of doors. About an hour into the night(12am) a welder came over to tell me that he was finishing up the job in his area and would need a new job to work. So i then have to go outside and open up these three huge metal sliding doors(like 10'x10') to get into the area with all the paperwork and forklifts. the area is not heated but it is on the outside of a heated building. So after a little while out there i saw that there was no job i could give him so i came back in and told him to go grind parts instead. Well i left the doors... the day shift guy came in around 5am and shut the doors. I came into work last night to find that the water evaportor in that room had frozen and broken, flooding the whole area(and its sub-frezzing temps) so they had to take everything out of there store it in a new place, "seal" the area and load the room up with space heaters to help get rid of all the water that was freezing to everything(computer cables parts, paperwork forklifts)

I didn't get in any trouble or anything cause it is more or less a "new" area that i flooded and it would have happened eventually this week, but since I (the youngest person currently employed in the whole compnay) did it people wont let me forget it wink.gif

I know im not the only person who has screwed something up at work, lets hear some stories:)

1 JL 1,000/1v2
2 JL 12" W6v2
2 Focal 6.5 component 165a1
Kenwood DDX512 head unit

Running 142.6db with the back seat up:)
post Dec 16, 2008 - 1:02 PM
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Joined Jun 25, '05
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I almost caused a very large fighter movement to be scrubbed due to complacency and familiarity with one of the tanker departure locations. I'm a HQ AMC (TACC) fighter movement tanker planner, and that was a BIG mistake I made.

post Dec 16, 2008 - 1:08 PM
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Joined Feb 7, '07
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Wait—you mean you haven't been laid off yet? Just kidding... just that it seems like everyone in manufacturing around this area is losing their jobs. I know my time is coming soon... we've laid off probably half the company this year, and my number's gotta be up pretty soon.

I make mistakes at work sometimes too, and usually they're really stupid mistakes, like proofing a job up to print on a white background instead of just the silver CD background. One job in particular got run that way; I proofed it to print on silver, but then at the last minute, AFTER the job was approved, there was a change, so when I printed out a new copy of the proof, I forgot to change it to say Prints on Silver. So we printed 40,000 CDs wrong because of it. Of course the customer wouldn't take them as-is, we had to re-mold and re-print 40,000 CDs at our own cost.

What really sucks is that I've made the same damn mistake more than once. IIRC that was the last time I made that mistake though. I even offered to come in at night and print the job, off the clock, to try to save on the labor that I'd cost the company with my mistake. But I guess it's illegal to work off the clock like that, so they wouldn't let me, even though I insisted.

post Dec 16, 2008 - 1:22 PM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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i have typo's from time to time kindasad.gif

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post Dec 16, 2008 - 2:07 PM
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Joined Aug 21, '07
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well we just got to learn the hard way, isn't it. A smart guy once told me, you learn and become the best from experiences and mistakes. Life is a trial and error kind of thing....


"In hoc signo vinces." In this sign thou shalt conquer."

Gone but never forgotten....
post Dec 16, 2008 - 3:58 PM
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Joined Jun 16, '06
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i've dropped a 4 thousand dollar guitar one day when i was putting it back on the wall...
no one saw tongue.gif

**If you play My Brute, joing the 6gc.net clan!**

--A section of a kid's actual test that had been scanned--
post Dec 16, 2008 - 9:43 PM
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Joined Feb 6, '08
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QUOTE (GriffGirl @ Dec 16, 2008 - 1:08 PM) *
Wait—you mean you haven't been laid off yet? Just kidding... just that it seems like everyone in manufacturing around this area is losing their jobs. I know my time is coming soon... we've laid off probably half the company this year, and my number's gotta be up pretty soon.

that sucks:( and we had a pretty major reduction in force awhile back, and if things dont pick up they will be having another lay off frown.gif But i can program and run a very very critical machine so i feel "pretty" safe... but my boss hates me, and this last little thing doesnt help me any lol, and like i said i am the youngest person in the whole company(600+ employees)

40,000 CD's and a large fighter movement huh? damn, makes my mistake look like nothing lol

1 JL 1,000/1v2
2 JL 12" W6v2
2 Focal 6.5 component 165a1
Kenwood DDX512 head unit

Running 142.6db with the back seat up:)
post Dec 16, 2008 - 10:14 PM
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Joined Nov 13, '02
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disney - i failed to be specific when referring a guest to go to city hall to get a map in another language. they left the park and went to anaheim city hall. that was the only screw up there. i was pretty good at what i did, which was cook and plate food. if i made a mistake, it became lunch but those were intentional mistakes.

verizon - i was connecting dsl to a building but forgot to reconnect the dialtone. then went to lunch. for a whole hour people could go online but not make outgoing/incoming calls. my coworkers were getting calls the entire time about it and were checking every line one at a time when all they had to do what reconnect the one that controlled them all. but i was the only one that knew that.

hospital - i ordered the wrong skin graft. it benefitted the patient though. they got both epidermal and dermal layers instead of just dermal. they best hope i dont screw up on anything else......

post Dec 16, 2008 - 10:19 PM
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Joined Dec 7, '07
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I have a nak for being brutely honest with my bosses and it tends to get me in trouble from time to time. Word to the wise- when u feel like saying wuts on ur mind make sure he's not wearing shinny stuff on his collar-(Military) wink.gif

This post has been edited by Lil-Joe101: Dec 16, 2008 - 10:20 PM

From Japan to Texas my st202 follows me.

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post Dec 16, 2008 - 10:51 PM
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Joined Jan 18, '07
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I climbed into a cardboard box and jumped out at coworkers....it got a little out of hand when the box got pushed over and the whole office started to laugh...so my manager told me just to keep it only in our department and I said ok but it was worth getting in trouble for and if you were there you would have been laughing as well. I didnt say it mean I just couldnt be serious about it esp since I wasnt getting into real trouble.

Apparently its unprofessional to do those things in a doctors office. Who would have known wink.gif

I am pretty much the goof ball of the office smile.gif


facebook WRC st205
post Dec 17, 2008 - 12:45 AM
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Joined Feb 5, '05
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Back when I was working for one of the Washington School Districts we (in the IT department) were going around in teams of 3-4 and re-imaging (reinstalling Windows for you non-tech kids) all of the school's computers. My team had just finished a high school (took us 4 days) and moved on to another school when we found that our image was bad... and it was a stupid mistake (I forgot a "." in an IP address) and had to go back and do it all over again.

Either that, or when I was STILL working at the School District I drove to a job interview 30 miles away... while still on the clock.... I came back and my boss was in my office. I told her I was at another school... I don't think she believed me, but I nailed the interview, and that's where I'm at now. smile.gif

1991 MR2 - T-tops - Crimson Red - Gen3 3SGTE - Lots of money

I'm not really an asshole, but I play one on the internet.
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post Dec 17, 2008 - 9:37 AM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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QUOTE (forkee @ Dec 16, 2008 - 9:14 PM) *
... people could go online but not make outgoing/incoming calls. my coworkers were getting calls the entire time...


QUOTE (supershannon77 @ Dec 16, 2008 - 9:51 PM) *
...I climbed into a cardboard box and jumped out at coworkers....
...Apparently its unprofessional to do those things in a doctors office...

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post Dec 17, 2008 - 10:11 AM
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Joined Apr 4, '05
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well once me and my general manager took a brand new lexus LS460L out for a drive to listen for rattles, it only had 87 miles on it(it belonged to a customer). first time driving the car cause it was the first one on our lot..decided to see how strong it was..and end up red lining the car and blowing the motor & tranny..(general manager did it). end up costing us $12700 to put a brand new one in it and we said it was a defected motor from the factory. the whole store knew what we did but all i could say was it was his fault haha even though i was the one pushing him to go faster and downshift haha. this is just for yah to know... biggrin.gif

post Dec 17, 2008 - 10:16 AM
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Joined Feb 8, '04
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Ive always been pretty good at my jobs, in so much as that I havent really ever screwed up big time but when i was in college I worked at a call center. This d00d calls in with this super thick accent, since i suck at accents i thought he was speaking spanish so i was all "Holdon ill get you to one of our spanish speaking reps" and then with this super dee freaking duper thick british accent hes all "I dont speak @#%$#ng spanish you #$##!".... he asked to speak to my supervisor but i still thought it was funny that i didnt understand ish he said up until then lol

"...Armed with backbone and busted zoo gates, promising you from the bottom of my harmonica pocket - FOREVER - you will never have another lonely holiday..."

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post Dec 17, 2008 - 9:10 PM
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Joined Apr 18, '05
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I drive the company vans off the road and onto the sleep indicators where it makes those rubbing noises on the wheels to let you know your going off road and to save time on making delivery I always RedLine the Ford Trucks. This is prob more of a habit then a screw up, but nothing beats being the #1 driver.

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