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> I am soo, soo angry right now
post Feb 7, 2010 - 12:00 PM
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Joined Feb 20, '09
From Brisbane Australia
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Hi all, just coming on here to vent my frustration.

So I am a manager at KFC, and part of my job is to sometimes go to another store and help out when they have shortages/management on holidays.

So I got moved to a store in a Suburb called Springwood, about 20 minutes away from my house. And I was to be there for 8 weeks.

My very first night, someone stole my antenna from my car. Took the whole thing out. Now that I can handle, i never use the radio ever, and i wanted to do the S2000 swap anyway...

So skip forward to this afternoon, my last shift at the store. On my way home I stopped for fuel, and as I walk away I look back at my baby (as we all do right?) and what do I see...

Someone has stolen the grill from my bumper and given me a nasty 5x5cm square scratch on my bumper frown.gif

To make matters worse I have recently done a GT-4 Front end swap...

I'm so angry right now...

This post has been edited by brento_bot: Feb 7, 2010 - 12:01 PM
post Feb 7, 2010 - 12:09 PM
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Joined Dec 29, '05
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damn....that's pretty shady...what the hell are they going to do with those small parts?
post Feb 7, 2010 - 2:08 PM
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Joined Feb 2, '07
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WTF? why would they steal little things like that??? not right. just not right....


*1997 Celica ST - 3SGE Greytop BEAMS
*1977 Celica RA29 - Classic Cruiser
*2005 Matrix AWD - dedded but still hanging around like a ghost
2019 Rav4 XLE Premium - Sports mode is fun.
post Feb 7, 2010 - 2:12 PM
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Joined Feb 7, '07
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They have KFC in Australia? Weird.

Sorry to hear about what's going on with your car, I wonder if another Celica owner is the one taking them. That's just as weird as there being a KFC in Australia. smile.gif

post Feb 7, 2010 - 2:20 PM
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wow thats crazy as hell. apparently someone was looking for your car and knew when you worked..
post Feb 7, 2010 - 2:29 PM
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Joined Mar 8, '09
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F'ddddddd upppp!!!!!! .. and i do look at my baby when i walk away from it too hehe

st205 powered ss3 coupe
post Feb 7, 2010 - 4:37 PM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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it's rather a little b!tch of a 6g owner (whom desperately needs his ass handed to him)

or a prank.

i know houston guys prank each other from time to time; like death and chinaman. or how i've paid $4 to buy a magnet that looks like this (with the word PRIDE across it) to post on DEATH's car when he wasn't looking. (plus he's been ridin with it for like 2 months last time i saw his car) laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

so rather someone needs to own up to the prank or get their ass whooped. biggrin.gif

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post Feb 7, 2010 - 4:53 PM
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Joined Jun 18, '09
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It's not a prank if there's damage, that crosses the line.

'97 ST \ Eibach \ KYB \ Kenwood \ Alpine \ Cusco \ OEM+ [sold 10/18]
'93 MX-5 LE
post Feb 7, 2010 - 10:40 PM
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Joined Feb 20, '09
From Brisbane Australia
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Yeah I'm certain it's not a prank, I don't know a single other 6gc owner lol.

I also doubt it is another 6gc owner anyway. I don't see too many. Not to be arrogant, but its always the nicest car in the carpark (poor suburb).

And yes we have KFC in Australia

we also have electricity and clean water tongue.gif
post Feb 7, 2010 - 11:11 PM
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Joined Apr 23, '08
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does the water really spin the other way when you flush the toliet?

2nd Gen 3s-gte.... It lives!

"92-gt-quit making up random acronyms that dont mean anything. the only real acronym is JDM"
post Feb 8, 2010 - 9:21 AM
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Joined Feb 20, '09
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To me it's not "the other way". To me your water flushes the 'other way'. Mine flushes normal laugh.gif
post Feb 8, 2010 - 1:00 PM
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Joined Nov 27, '09
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QUOTE (Ted95 @ Feb 7, 2010 - 2:29 PM) *
F'ddddddd upppp!!!!!! .. and i do look at my baby when i walk away from it too hehe

Wow. This funny, I didn't realize until now that I do the same thing every single time I walk away from my car!! biggrin.gif .. I this even normal? Am I sick?

Anyway. Sorry about your loss man! kindasad.gif .

Ps. You where the manager there. Can't you take a peek at the surveillance video and see if it shows something. maybe you can take it to the police!!

Have you seen a real live Kangaroo? Do they really look like mice?
post Feb 8, 2010 - 8:42 PM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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Australia is just like any other country in the world; except they have lots more alcoholics, camping trips, and their women know how to take a d!ck.

...just sayin bassed on my experience...


wears my packing boxes?

... i need to move...

QUOTE (DGAF @ Feb 8, 2010 - 1:00 PM) *
QUOTE (Ted95 @ Feb 7, 2010 - 2:29 PM) *
F'ddddddd upppp!!!!!! .. and i do look at my baby when i walk away from it too hehe

Wow. This funny, I didn't realize until now that I do the same thing every single time I walk away from my car!! biggrin.gif .. I this even normal? Am I sick?

no. every time i go outside to smoke i stare at Rei-Ohkie. it's perfectly normal.

though non-6g owners will swear something is wrong with you when you reffer to your car by name; talk to it, and it talks back. witch is strange because other people hear Rei-Ohkie talking too... so how does that make me the crazy one?

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post Feb 8, 2010 - 8:50 PM
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Joined Feb 14, '09
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What could they use the parts for??!!??

Alarm on your Celica now?!!?

post Feb 8, 2010 - 9:15 PM
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Joined May 6, '08
From Lisarow, NSW, Australia
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theres very few gt-4's in australia or even gt-4 conversions so if you see one near by you know its most probably the theif wink.gif
post Feb 8, 2010 - 10:08 PM
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Joined Jun 18, '09
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I look back cherishingly at my car a bunch of times. If she's outside, maybe I'll even go look first thing when I wake up to make sure everything's okay. Maybe I do the same thing at night. Maybe I even say good night when she's inside the garage.

'97 ST \ Eibach \ KYB \ Kenwood \ Alpine \ Cusco \ OEM+ [sold 10/18]
'93 MX-5 LE
post Feb 9, 2010 - 9:10 AM
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Joined Feb 20, '09
From Brisbane Australia
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Yeah i have an alarm on it, but i don't use it much because i goes off all the time, like if a car parks next to it it will go off, if a mobile phone goes off within like 3 meters it goes off. If i look at it angrily it goes off...

I looked at surveillance, but KFC being the multi-million dollar conglomerate that it is, is one of the cheapest companies i've ever heard of, and the surveillance doesn't cover the whole carpark, and you can only see the rear end of my car...

I wouldn't say we have more alcoholics, it's just the ones that are are more dedicated...

And the women. Yes, yes they do... in my experiences anyway...

So now i look at the side of my car and smile, then i get to the front and die a little on the inside frown.gif

I'll try and take some pics in the next few days to show you guys.
post Feb 9, 2010 - 9:43 AM
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Joined Feb 3, '06
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I really do not get people why doing this. frown.gif

QUOTE (GriffGirl @ Feb 7, 2010 - 8:12 PM) *
They have KFC in Australia? Weird.

...and in Europe as well biggrin.gif

No more replicas... This is evolution... This is SS-four :)

________[Featured Celica of 6gc.net @ 2010]_________
post Feb 9, 2010 - 11:21 AM
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Joined Apr 18, '05
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kfc is everwhere, even in asia. so is burger king, mcdonalds, 7-eleven, etc..

post Feb 9, 2010 - 11:28 AM
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Joined Nov 4, '09
From Sacramento, California
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QUOTE (brento_bot @ Feb 7, 2010 - 1:00 PM) *
Someone has stolen the grill from my bumper and given me a nasty 5x5cm square scratch on my bumper frown.gif

To make matters worse I have recently done a GT-4 Front end swap...

I'm so angry right now...

Aww frown.gif

QUOTE (GriffGirl @ Feb 7, 2010 - 3:12 PM) *
They have KFC in Australia? Weird.

lol smile.gif

QUOTE (brento_bot @ Feb 7, 2010 - 11:40 PM) *
Yeah I'm certain it's not a prank, I don't know a single other 6gc owner lol.

I also doubt it is another 6gc owner anyway. I don't see too many. Not to be arrogant, but its always the nicest car in the carpark (poor suburb).

Aww frown.gif

QUOTE (brento_bot @ Feb 9, 2010 - 10:10 AM) *
Yeah i have an alarm on it, but i don't use it much because i goes off all the time, like if a car parks next to it it will go off, if a mobile phone goes off within like 3 meters it goes off. If i look at it angrily it goes off...

I looked at surveillance, but KFC being the multi-million dollar conglomerate that it is, is one of the cheapest companies i've ever heard of, and the surveillance doesn't cover the whole carpark, and you can only see the rear end of my car...

I wouldn't say we have more alcoholics, it's just the ones that are are more dedicated...

And the women. Yes, yes they do... in my experiences anyway...

lol smile.gif

QUOTE (brento_bot @ Feb 9, 2010 - 10:10 AM) *
So now i look at the side of my car and smile, then i get to the front and die a little on the inside frown.gif

I'll try and take some pics in the next few days to show you guys.

Aww frown.gif

QUOTE (malpaso @ Feb 9, 2010 - 10:43 AM) *
QUOTE (GriffGirl @ Feb 7, 2010 - 8:12 PM) *
They have KFC in Australia? Weird.

...and in Europe as well biggrin.gif

lol smile.gif

Well Brento, I can only guess at how angry you must be. I hope the absolute best for you and your car. Perhaps someone on here can give you a killer deal for a new... better one biggrin.gif.

Brand new 6gc owner! (sort of 2011)

The world is moving around a sun, the sun moves around a local arm of the galaxy, the local arm of the galaxy moves around a gigantic black hole.

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