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> Flashing CC light, Cruise control doesn't work
post Jun 28, 2004 - 11:19 PM
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Joined Jul 25, '03
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Today I was driving home and my cruise control wasn't working. I would click the button, the light would come on, but it wouldn't "set." So, pissed off, I banged it a little and moved the stick in circles but that didn't fix it. So I turned it off, then back on, and when I turned it back on it just flashes on and off, not working at all. mad.gif

What is it?

The same thing happened with my A/C light, which I posted about approximately a week ago. Plus I have that ticking in my engine that won't shut up. Then my sub only works half the time for some reason... mad.gif Everything goes wrong right when I want to sell the car! frown.gif
post Jun 28, 2004 - 11:26 PM
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The problem is, your cruise control got crosswired with your flux capitor. Now it's blinking when you turn it on to tell you that you haven't reached 88 mph yet, or set a destination time. I suspect that the AC light is the same reason- and your flux capitor is stealing power from the sub. DUH! smile.gif sorry man, dunno smile.gif

This post has been edited by shid: Jun 28, 2004 - 11:31 PM
post Jun 28, 2004 - 11:29 PM
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Joined Jul 25, '03
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QUOTE (shid @ Jun 28, 2004 - 9:26 PM)
The problem is, your cross controlled got crosswired with your flux capitor. Now it's blinking when you turn it on to tell you that you haven't reached 88 mph yet, or set a destination time. I suspect that the AC light is the same reason- and your flux capitor is stealing power from the sub. DUH! smile.gif sorry man, dunno smile.gif

Why didn't I think of that?! biggrin.gif
post Jun 29, 2004 - 12:47 AM
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Joined Apr 22, '04
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or you can try a easy thing and move your steering wheel around in different positions, it might actually work.... It did for my off-roading jeep (don't ask).

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The most important lesson I learned from Karate-Dō Kyōshan“You can not be what you do not believe you are”
post Jun 29, 2004 - 1:00 AM
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noooo that'll just set the destination time and start charging up the 1.21 gigawatts needed!
post Jun 29, 2004 - 1:03 AM
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Joined Apr 22, '04
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i have not a clue what you just said to me

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The most important lesson I learned from Karate-Dō Kyōshan“You can not be what you do not believe you are”
post Jun 29, 2004 - 1:05 AM
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QUOTE (shid @ Jun 28, 2004 - 11:00 PM)
noooo that'll just set the destination time and start charging up the 1.21 gigawatts needed!

post Jul 1, 2004 - 7:47 PM
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Joined Apr 3, '03
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Your sensor's probably bad. Same thing happened to me. I would turn it on and then it would just flash at me.

Was going to get if fixed untill I found out that it was going to cost 1100 dollars for a new sensor.
post Jul 5, 2004 - 12:47 PM
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Joined Aug 31, '02
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according to the manual, a blinking cruise control light indicates a malfunction in the vehicle speed sensor or the cruise control servo unit, it also should set a diagnostic code, get your codes read and also check wiring and fuses for those units.
post Jul 20, 2004 - 5:55 PM
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Joined Jul 20, '04
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QUOTE (YellowTwo @ Jun 29, 2004 - 4:19 AM)
Today I was driving home and my cruise control wasn't working. I would click the button, the light would come on, but it wouldn't "set." So, pissed off, I banged it a little and moved the stick in circles but that didn't fix it. So I turned it off, then back on, and when I turned it back on it just flashes on and off, not working at all. mad.gif

What is it?

The same thing happened with my A/C light, which I posted about approximately a week ago. Plus I have that ticking in my engine that won't shut up. Then my sub only works half the time for some reason... mad.gif Everything goes wrong right when I want to sell the car! frown.gif

when a light comes on or flashes it means there was a code set. there is NO cruise control sensor. that system works off of your tps, map, BOO switch, CPP switch, and some airbag sensors.

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