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> MY A/C unit fell on the ground!!!!, Freaked me out!
post Oct 26, 2005 - 7:40 PM
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Joined Apr 18, '05
From Lincoln, Ar
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I was going to the junkyard today and the road I traveled on was a very bad dirt road with lots of rocks the size of New York and potholes that could bury a person alive. Anyways, I went there to look for a junk part for my 3sge MAF sensor and on my why back. My A/C unit fell right off from the engine and got stuck in between the frame of the car near the passenger tire and the ground itself.
Upon, noticing that something like a giant rock was scracthing the car and the car wouldn't budge forward. I immediatley got out of the car and looked to see what was wrong. I saw the A/C on the ground, and I Immediatley screamed in terror and shock thinking that the Engine has collapsed, crushing the transaxles, tie rods and everthing with it in the celica engine bay, cause the car wasn't moving forward and there were a little bit of oil on the ground. I freaked out and panicked, then I quickly rushed inside the car to pull the hood release. I poped open my hood and to my suprise. The ENGINE was still there and intact!.
So, luckly I had my tools in the trunk and jacked up the car a bit and took out the A/C unit. (none of the lines or anything was attached to it, its just there cause I wanted to get power steering working again and I need it in conjuction with the P/S unit to work the belt). Anyways, I took it out shoved it in the trunk and took the car for a test drive just to see if the control arm was damaged or anything else. Fortunatley, nothing was damaged and the oil that was spilled on the ground actually came from the A/C unit itself( I accidentley dumped some oil in there last time during an oil change).

From my guessing, all the rocks and vibration knocked the A/C loose cause it wasn't tightened enough. So all is well!

Lesson learned = Do not use bolts that were not originally used with the bolt hole and always tighten whatever you turn loose.

tongue.gif I feel so lucky that the celi is alive and kicking! tongue.gif
post Oct 26, 2005 - 11:56 PM
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Joined Jul 10, '05
From Monroe, WA
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i got a better story for ya... oh wait its just another DSM seizing up nevermind wink.gif

thats one kickass a/c pump to hold the celi from moving.

94' ST Coupe - 5sfe Motor swap and brake swap.
post Oct 27, 2005 - 12:00 AM
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Joined Aug 16, '03
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i'm confused how you managed to pull off a swap and yet you accidently dumped oil into the ac compresser?
post Oct 28, 2005 - 9:16 AM
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Joined Apr 18, '05
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I don't know either, but oil might have been there from a while back when it was lying on the ground. And yes this is one heck of an A/C that weighed over a ton. Then again it was stuck in between a giant rock on the dirt road sticking up and the frame of the car. Im just glad I had my car jack in the rear and my tools. mad.gif But Im sure pissed that It broke off!
post Oct 28, 2005 - 10:06 AM
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Joined Sep 1, '04
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Crap, if it was me I probably wouldn't have had any tools with me and my cell would have been dead and would have been out in no mans land.

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CLOSED on 25 acres!

-shop coming soon....
post Oct 28, 2005 - 10:10 AM
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Joined Oct 10, '03
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The A/C unit should have oil in it.

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