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> My first car, 94 Celica GT. auto tranny., idonno much about cars, but i know my car needs a lot of work
post Aug 14, 2008 - 10:49 PM
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Joined Aug 14, '08
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Hey everyone! what a day it is for me, got my first car, it was a celica and before i got the car i stumbled upon this site. so i got the car this morning and got some cleaning stuff on the way home, got on the computer since it was to dark outside to start any cleaning, and made an account on 6GCELICAS... here. and well ill post some pics tomorrow and hopefully someone could help me with some advice, because well.... to give you an idea of the condition i got the car in, there where everything from french fries to crayola crayons under the chairs and on the floorboard, so yea. hopefully after i post some pics tomorrow yall can give me some pointers and tips on how to repair.fix some of the small problems! well im glad to join the community here. and hope to get to know ya guys! peace!

post Aug 14, 2008 - 10:56 PM
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Joined Jun 21, '08
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Welcome! This is also my first car. Enjoy the gas mileage.

How many miles on it?
post Aug 15, 2008 - 8:02 AM
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Joined Oct 28, '07
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hi and welcome defo get some pics up smile.gif

post Aug 15, 2008 - 9:12 AM
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unfortunately. there is 246k miles on it. but with the price i realy couldnt turn it down. its AT 94, and some moderate exterior damage. needs work and well today is my first day cleaning it and im trying to take out the front seats and ive gotten 3 screw/bolts out and the one nearest to the back center of the car is like, somewhat impossible to get out and its frustrating. idk what to do. ill post some pics now!
post Aug 15, 2008 - 9:41 AM
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ok theres the car, and now ill show you around

This post has been edited by shinobi: Aug 15, 2008 - 9:40 AM
post Aug 15, 2008 - 9:47 AM
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please any tips on cleaning this sucker up would be very thankful. keep in mind im only a college student. freshman actually. and ive never had a fulltime job. i talked the owner from 1800 down to 1600 so, for a 1600$ car. this isnt bad for a first car. so that being in my defence... punish my car and tell me everything i can do to improve it please. it drives great. just looks too messy still! thanks!
post Aug 15, 2008 - 9:52 AM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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First thing is first, Get a better job laugh.gif Car modding (or even restoration) is not a cheap hobby. wink.gif

I'd get seat covers untill you get new seats, because that foamy stuff gets EVERYWHERE mad.gif My car was like that when i got it, and it sucked. Super clean it, and figure out where those wires are going. You dont want randomly attached wires banging into stuff. Not cool. Save your money for a paint job and some new carpet too.

Have fun biggrin.gif

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post Aug 15, 2008 - 9:56 AM
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Joined Feb 1, '05
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where is brevard nc? there a few guys in the charlotte area if ya need help! i know jaws is REAL good at car detailing


QUOTE (Galcobar @ Oct 15, 2008 - 2:44 AM) *
You want power but have no money. That's a problem.

Cheap. Reliable. Fast. Pick two.
post Aug 15, 2008 - 10:15 AM
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oh deff. even though im pretty much a caveman when it comes to cars. ive recently been very intrested in wanting to learn more and more about every small part in a car. but yea atm im very much a noob. hints me comming here and asking for help. bah! well when i go to college i will have a job. not high paying or to to low. but you know a pretty moderate job, and ive arranged my class schedule to were i can work about 8 hours a day. but yea. if anyone can give me some hints to temporarily polish it up to look fair. id greatly appreciate it. well ill be back soon. gunna go put a shine on the tires n rims
post Aug 15, 2008 - 10:34 AM
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Joined Jan 18, '08
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na, you just got to get rid of that horrid plumb color. Even if you paint it (stupid) blue, than it'd be better biggrin.gif

As for that back end, Get some think MDF or something and some wal*mart carpet and make you a cover for the wheel well.

QUOTE (presure2 @ Nov 6, 2010 - 6:16 AM)
Via FB: fcuking awsome!!! D-man FTW!

QUOTE (DEATH @ Nov 11, 2008 - 5:40 PM) *
Damn D-Man - most impressive.

QUOTE (99GT @ Nov 14, 2008 - 4:04 PM) *
D-Man's post should be a sticky

QUOTE (samir0189 @ Nov 4, 2008 - 10:50 AM) *
LOL, oh boy, you can always count on D-Man for ridiculously hilarious posts.
post Aug 15, 2008 - 11:15 AM
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Joined Mar 8, '04
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damn that's beat up a bit but still fixable.

looks like bad prep job with the paint job it got, but I do like the color, unique.

post Aug 15, 2008 - 12:52 PM
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got done with a couple tires, this is takin forever. may sound redneck but i got a toothbrush with formulas just scrubbing the heck outta these rims, whatta yall think of the rims? idk, i think ill keep em for a while. still in very good condition if you ask me!

ill keep updating with pics on small repairs here and there. and a very serious problem that my car has atm is... the dashboard with speedometer and odometer and gas etc. lights dont work. and when i turn the car off. the clock resets. you cannot use the lights in the car and im just curious what this problem could be from. any suggestions would be great!
post Aug 15, 2008 - 8:32 PM
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got a lot done today, the green machine sucked up what looked to be like old soda. dog pee and potential vomit. so yea. its getting a nice interior/exterior makover atm. i couldnt get to many good pics of the car seeing it was dark when i got done with the rims. but i did get some pics showing how nasty the whole inside looked! btw, i did have a question. the dashboard doesnt light up. no speedometer odometer gas gauge etc. and when i turn the engine off then turn it back on the clock in the car gets reset to 1:00 pm. aaand when i have no key in, the interior lights do not turn on!!! bleh! so many problems. i need solutions ! help? =D
post Aug 17, 2008 - 2:23 PM
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Joined Apr 15, '07
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Wheels are looking great! thumbsup.gif Take the same time and effort on the inside of the car as you did the wheels, once the insides spotless it'll be alot more comfortable to drive. Go all out, carpet cleaner, fabric cleaner for seats, steel wool windows (makes them clean) unless you have tint. Wash all plastics, not just armor-all to cover it up, then armor all.

As for the outside, just wash the hell out of it, then wax it, theres not alot you can do about the paint. frown.gif

Youll feel much better with a really clean car. woot.gif

As for your electrical problem, post it in the interior electrical section, one of these guys is bound to know how to fix it.

This post has been edited by zero07: Aug 17, 2008 - 2:24 PM

Sorry, no animated sigs allowed.
post Aug 17, 2008 - 4:55 PM
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Joined Jun 30, '03
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You won't be able to find touchup paint unless you order it, and even then, considering the damage, you'd have to order it in bulk. Your best bet with the paint is to either leave it, wash/claybar/wax it, or get your hands dirty and sand it down to prep for a repaint. If you choose this route and do the prep yourself, Maaco can give you a cheap paintjob. Or you can just primer it yourself and leave it like that. Check for rust.

I didn't really read much after the first post (I am an ignorant ass) but take it to a mechanic, get your plugs and wires, timing checked. Change the air filter. All that jazz.

As far as the interior goes, I can offer some advice. Your seats will not be an easy or cheap fix. Reupholstering is expensive. They make repair kits for leather but they only are made for small tears, not like yours. My seats have similar damage. Best bet is seat covers, leather kinda sucks anyway.

As far as the carpets go, that's a toughy. A friend of mine taught me to use Woolite to get hard crap out like that. What you can do is mix 6 parts water and 1 part Woolite into a spray bottle and spray away. Scrub with a brush and wipe the excess with a towel or something. It works really well on just about all the surfaces, including leather. It'll also soften the leather but I doubt that's an issue considering that car's age. Don't use it on your dash. And don't use Armor All, pick up a Meguair's vinyl shiner or something. Comes in a red bottle IIRC. Use Eagles 20/20 on your glass. It's the best, hands down. Wipe the glass cleaner off with a coffee filter or newspaper. Oh, and use Q-tips for hard to reach places. Vents, in between cracks, etc etc.

Orange blast the **** out of your engine bay. Cover the distributor, alternator, and air filter though. Spray the orangey goodness and hose off. Make sure the engine is a little warm.

That paint really makes me sad. There's really no way to fix that besides what I mentioned above.

If I were you, I'd stick to making the interior pretty, and make sure the engine is running well. Considering its age, check all the basics. You'd be suprised what a few new small parts can do for an engines longetivity and gas mileage.

Sometimes we live to beat the odds.
- Ryan
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aim: rkgreen04
post Aug 24, 2008 - 1:03 PM
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Welcome! glad you got a 6gc. Def check out junk yards, I usually go to Pull-A-Part in Charlotte.. they don't have many 6gc's. (i've only seen 2) but they usually have a few 5th gens which have a few interchangeable parts..

QUOTE (easternpiro1 @ Aug 15, 2008 - 3:56 PM) *
where is brevard nc? there a few guys in the charlotte area if ya need help! i know jaws is REAL good at car detailing

umm not really... if you remember.. i got bashed on this site for my "detailing" ability frown.gif

~Daniel~ No Longer Celica Owner.. moved on to a 03 WRX-EJ207
post Aug 25, 2008 - 8:04 PM
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Joined Nov 27, '02
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Nice project. How much did it run you?

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post Aug 26, 2008 - 10:22 PM
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Joined Aug 14, '08
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hey everyone, so sorry i havent been in touch. i moved up to boone, north carolina. and i havent gotten internet untill today. even now im on my friends laptop because my desktop doesnt have a wireless card. but thanks all for the help. someone mentioned above about doing some small stuff to make sure the engine is working properly. i wanted to ask all the simple things any of yall would do to make sure its in working order? and for the exterior. i may have to wait a while till i get enough money. and it is looking like its going to come down to me self prepping it and sanding the old paint off. i may or may not prime it. i have low confidence in my own painting lol. but im not sure what id like the color to be. only thing on my mind is i hate red. (not the red it is now but like... viper red.)

p.s. thanks for the help and pointers so far! biggrin.gif
post Aug 27, 2008 - 10:35 PM
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if you look at the 9th picture down. you will notice the lip of the car is kinda broken. its hanging a little bit, does anyone have any suggestions on this? or would it be best just investing in a while new front lip?
post Aug 27, 2008 - 10:42 PM
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Joined Mar 8, '04
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get a new bumper.


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