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> Oil leak and squealing noise from pass side
post Sep 17, 2012 - 3:39 PM
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Joined Mar 26, '10
From Portsmouth, OH
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Reputation: 2 (100%)

Haven't really been on here for awhile, but I'm having issues so it seems like a good time to get back on. I'll start with what'll probably be the easiest issue to fix. (97 ST 7afe mt ~230k miles)

1. I've got a grinding/squealing noise from the passenger side axle, gets worse with speed and inside cornering. First thought was possibly bad CV joint, but the boots are fine and that axle is less then 5 years old and I've been told that a bad wheel bearing could make the same noise (original bearings).

2. When looking into the axle issues, I noticed fresh oil all over the underside of the car on that side. There seems to be fresh oil running down the oil pan but it's coming from farther up the motor. It seems that an outer pulley and the timing pulley is where oil is coming from. I believe the oil sending unit is located in this general area, however it seems to be dry. There is a seal running through the block (2 part block?) and as far as I can tell that's where the oil is coming from.

Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated and I will load pictures of the oil leak area ASAP.

This post has been edited by d3ath2009: Sep 17, 2012 - 3:41 PM

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