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> Funny Story, I love our community!
post Apr 27, 2004 - 2:54 PM
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Joined Jun 2, '03
From Annandale VA
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So im driving home from school, and I see this puple 6th gen parked on the street. It looks pretty nice, and as im going by This guy comes running after me waving his arms. so I turn around and we talked 6th gens for a bit, apparently he knew what the projectors where, but had never seen them. So he flaged me down tongue.gif I love everyone in the celica community they are so nice, and we are so unique. For refecence the guy had a trd short shifter, and had jdm tails but he had just been rear ended and had it cracked so they where no longer on. Pretty cool smile.gif
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post Apr 27, 2004 - 2:58 PM
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Joined Feb 10, '03
From Connecticut
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Reputation: 11 (100%)

There was once this time where i parked at the mall in a garage and when i came out this kid that had a 6gc was waiting there. IDK how long he been waiting but he had a system and was planning on getting an invader kit. I have seen him on the road a couple times with it and always waves.


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