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> Drivetrain help
post Mar 16, 2005 - 2:17 PM
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Joined Nov 12, '02
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My celi has been down for a few months b/c I live in an apartment and can't fix the problem. It started when I was driving along and felt some play in the clutch pedal before feeling any pressure. Over 3 days it got worse, and eventually to the point where I couldn't shift gears. Knowing this I brought the car to my friend's house. I started it in 2nd gear and drove there. I came to a red light, so I'm at astop in 2nd gear, with the clutch pedal pushed down. The damn clutch started to engage and the car nearly stalled. Now, when I start the car in gear with the clutch pedal down, I have to come off of the clutch, fading it to start it, which means that it's not disengaging when pressing the pedal. I thought it might be the clutch master cylinder, pressure plate, or I guess slave cylinder. I just removed my clutch cyl and I don't see any destroyed boots. I also have an mr2 tranny sitting here, but putting it on is gonna suck. Any thing else it could be, or what do you guys think?
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post Mar 21, 2005 - 7:18 PM
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post Mar 21, 2005 - 7:30 PM
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sounds like the same problem my friend had in his dsm. turned out that the clutch was shot and wouldnt disengage anymore. it got so bad that you couldnt shift the car into 1st gear without tuning off the motor.

it might be worth it to check your clutch fluid too, to see if you have a leak. then try a clutch pedal adjustment. if none of those work, pull the trans, you should see a damaged clutch disk in there.

btw, what clutch are you using and how many miles are on it?

15PSI - 30MPG - Megasquirt Tuned
post Mar 22, 2005 - 10:43 PM
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I used a TRD pressure plate(prolly the stock one from 2nd gen clip) and a stock 94 GT clutch disc. Much to trance4c and all the other negators dismay, it lasted for over 2 years of getting the hell beat out of it. lol. 8,000 miles?? plus a ton of launching and track times.
There aren't any clutch fluid leaks. Once you get it in gear it drives fine, but you can't shift. I'll find out tomorrow if it was the clutch master cylinder. If any of you have a 3sgte slave cylinder lying around let me know. I also had the clutch pedal adjust a quite a bit. Maybe too much. That much more throw will put more pressure on the slave and master cylinder.
post Mar 22, 2005 - 11:05 PM
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It's either you slave cylinder is bad or a leak or your master cylinder is bad. It shouldnt have anything to do with your tranny.
post Mar 23, 2005 - 12:12 AM
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Rjb23 is right. I had the same problem and I thought something was wrong with the clutch. So I spend a good amount of money for a new clutch assembly and the problem still persisted. I then replaced both the slave and master cylinder and everything worked perfectly from then on, I had no problems ever since. wink.gif Good luck bro!
post Mar 23, 2005 - 10:36 PM
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Awesome. I have to pick up the master cyl tomorrow and I 'll find out. thanks
post Mar 24, 2005 - 2:43 AM
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Joined Nov 4, '02
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i haven't read the other post just the first one so if this has been answered already sorry ...

but here a few things u can check .. the spings for the shift cables on the firewall .. if those are ok .. then ur shift fork ...

post Mar 24, 2005 - 5:22 PM
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I just installed the new master cylinder and there is no change. One thing I noticed is that there is about 1" - 2" of play on the clutch pedal before there is pressure. There is a little pressure, but you can kick it or push it over an 1" before you feel the pressure. I left my slave cyl in ohio and my parents are shipping it down. I'm going to install it and see what happens.

Macavely, I don't know where the springs for the shift cables are. When the car is turned off, it goes into gear. When the car is running, you can move the shift knob, but not enough to smoothly go into gear. The clutch fork and slave cylinder piston do move, but it doesn't seem like too much. I measured it. little less than 3/8" total travel. I had DGperformance measure this for me before and they were the same but I thought they were both 5/8". If anyone feels like measuring the total throw on the clutch fork that would be great.
post Mar 24, 2005 - 8:36 PM
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Have you tried bleeding your system after you installed the new master cylinder? Also you may need to adjust you clutch pedal play.
post Mar 24, 2005 - 8:44 PM
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Joined Feb 10, '03
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Maybe try adjusting the pedal?

post Mar 24, 2005 - 9:30 PM
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I had to bleed it completely b/c there was no fluid in it. The clutch pedal may be adjusted too much, I loosened that bolt quite a bit to give more throw. I'll adjust that tomorrow and see what happens. I have a terrible fear that some pressure plate fingers are non-functional.

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