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> Speeding Tickets, Cops should die
post Apr 17, 2003 - 9:13 PM
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Joined Feb 11, '03
From Phila, PA
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Yea so my best friend got in a bad car wreck yesterday and is in the ICU at the hospital. He's got a collapsed lung, broken pelvis, broken ankles, broken leg and plenty of gashes and ****. I went up to see him around 5:30 with his girlfriend for the 5 min we could after waiting for 2 hours then came home. On the way home me and his girlfriend and another girl that went were just talking how lucky he is to be alive and all the **** that goes along with that. I get to an intersection to make the left turn and see a cop sitting behind me aand knew even without lights on that it was prob for me. I get pulled over and explain what has been going on. He got me at 75 in a 55 and wrote me a citation. The cop seemed fairly understanding and gave me the citation which comes to $160. I was surprised, i thought it was gunna be more but the fine he gave me was only $65 but all the other dumb fees like secretary and computer system, I'm not sure but there are like 4 fees to pay in addition to the fine which brings it up to $160. He said he would work with me if i showed up in court. At the bottem of the citation, he wrote that i told him i was on the way back from the ICU and I wasn't paying attention cause we were distraught. We were and still am, you never think all the fun we have can have consequence till u see your best friend that way. This doesn't have alot to do with Celicas i just had to vent but i do wana know what you guys think about the ticket. The cop said he would work with me if i show up and I have a good reason for speeding i think, so should i fight it? Whats the chance it will be dropped? My boy Dan is gunna be alright though thats the important thing. Drive safe!
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post Apr 18, 2003 - 1:17 AM
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Joined Oct 31, '02
From grants pass oregon
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well man i am really sorry to hear that your friend was hurt but cops are just regular people like us they just have a job to do. and out of all people i should be the one saying they should die being that over the past 4 years i have paid enough in tickets i could own two celicas. personaly i would just show up to court and explain to the judge what happened and take whatever punishment he gives you. you have to relize one thing you were the one that was wrong for speeding not him. just stop and think that what happened to your friend could happen to any one wether it be from speeding, drinking and driving or so on. i guess what i am trying to say is we shouldnt hate police(well at least not all of them) but take more responsiblity for our actions. sorry to hear about your friend and i am glad he is going to be fine. just dont get to mad if they dont drop the ticket cause lets face it you were speeding
post Apr 18, 2003 - 8:51 AM
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Joined Nov 27, '02
From Charlotte, NC
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Sorry to hear about your friend, I hope he gets well soon.

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post Apr 18, 2003 - 2:00 PM
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Joined Feb 10, '03
From Connecticut
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I completely understand, my girlfriend got hit by an Explorer, and my best friend died racing is Corrado, puts things in perspective doesnt it.


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