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> Separated throttle bodies
post May 5, 2003 - 6:58 PM
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Joined Dec 21, '02
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Hi guys, I'm thinking to go for individual TB.
Actually they're my mods: (7AFE)
- P&P head
- polished valves
- Fuel pressure regulator
- GT4 fuel pump
- H&M filter
- Arospeed header
- custom exhaust
- in a few days MSD5 with timing control

Now, I spoke with different mechanics and about all of them say that individual throttle bodies is the ideal solution for a NA engine if u tune the A/f ratio properly.Now, with my AFC I can do it, so what do you think about it?


Edo wink.gif wink.gif
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post May 5, 2003 - 7:14 PM
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individual? as in one for every cylinder or just a new intake manifold designed for 2 throttle bodies?

it definately would allow for more air but an NA engine can only pull in so much air on its own

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post May 5, 2003 - 7:47 PM
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QUOTE (edo17982 @ May 5, 2003 - 4:12 PM)
Hi guys, I'm thinking to go for individual TB.
Actually they're my mods: (7AFE)
- P&P head
- polished valves
- Fuel pressure regulator
- GT4 fuel pump
- H&M filter
- Arospeed header
- custom exhaust
- in a few days MSD5 with timing control

Now, I spoke with different mechanics and about all of them say that individual throttle bodies is the ideal solution for a NA engine if u tune the A/f ratio properly.Now, with my AFC I can do it, so what do you think about it?


Edo wink.gif wink.gif

that would get you some nice gains i think. i've seen it on 20V 4ages.

1994 Lexus ES300
1989 Supra Turbo
1990 RHD ST185RC - JDM Spec
post May 5, 2003 - 8:16 PM
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Interesting, can you go seperate TB with a turbo charger or is it just a setup for NA engines? And how much do you think that's going to run you Charlie97L to buy and install it all?
post May 5, 2003 - 9:48 PM
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QUOTE (HyperDeathKill @ May 5, 2003 - 7:30 PM)
Interesting, can you go seperate TB with a turbo charger or is it just a setup for NA engines?  And how much do you think that's going to run you Charlie97L to buy and install it all?

yes you can.

The same benefits are there. Some manufacture have them build into their manifolds.

Not really much. Can go up to $1K+

The 4AGE20v silver top carries 43mm TB's while the black top carries 45mm TB.

One really wonders if the black top is really better than the silver in engine design confused.gif confused.gif

Also, you can get different trumpet lengths. Longer bodies for low end torque while short TB means high end performance.

There would fit you engine. You just need to measure the diamter of the intake hole to the engine after you remove the that ugly manifold.

Some manufactures offer a complete set will some will offer the set in parts. Eg, TB's + TB linkage.

While you are at it, get a CFM meter like what the motorcyclist uses.

This post has been edited by west_minist: May 7, 2003 - 5:07 AM


Hydra EMS Dealer & Tuner
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post May 5, 2003 - 11:37 PM
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The question is... will 4a intake parts bolt up to a 7a engine? Also, would it play hell with the ecu?
post May 6, 2003 - 5:55 AM
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Joined Dec 21, '02
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There is a factory in Italy which make individual TB with collector and flanges for any car.
Individual TB is more functional for NA cause in forced induction you have a big flow so you don't really need that but anyway it can help smile.gif
In NA engines it can give more performance and the same quantity of air for each cylinder. for sure it's not much economic.....but the gain is noticable....any other comments are welcome!!! wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif
post May 6, 2003 - 6:25 AM
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It is a function for both.

There work because of the cfm increase for top end performance and allowing a more accurate and balance air to each cylinder.

If you car a AFM, you may have problems. You woll have to get a covering , like the supra manifold to have all TB draw air from on opening.

MAP senson engines should work. But try to balance the cfm per TB.

The MAP sensor on the 4age20v are on the TB not in the air box path.

I use to run my black top with the manifold box. What a nice tone.

Hey edo, I forgot about the sound sample for the Manifold on the subaru. You still want it? It sounds different now with the nology M80. I ordered the CraneCams HI6TRC last night. As you can see, I am not wasting time.

I would try to get a sample before I change my crappy MSD Blaster Ignition to the big boy.


Hydra EMS Dealer & Tuner
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post May 6, 2003 - 7:11 PM
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Yesterday I found a used MSD5 ignition with addictional timing control +10 -10 tunable from a potentiometer which can be placed dinside. I took this just to begin cause I paid 75$ in total...in a future, when I'll have a ST205 I'll think to go for HI6TRC but I think that for my application it should be fine...what do you think about? wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif wink.gif

PS I' impatient to hear that!!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

This post has been edited by edo17982: May 6, 2003 - 7:11 PM
post May 6, 2003 - 7:42 PM
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msd5 is an old analog device.

To me, useless.

Either way, once you are planning to stay pretty stock, that should be enough.

I may be wrong, but that device does not have a rev limit.

I have not done alot of research on it to offer you better advice.

But go for it, if not, just buy the right thing and transfer it to the ST205 when you get it.

Do not waste money.

Just my no use advice frown.gif

This post has been edited by west_minist: May 6, 2003 - 7:46 PM


Hydra EMS Dealer & Tuner
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post May 6, 2003 - 10:13 PM
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QUOTE (west_minist @ May 6, 2003 - 7:56 PM)
Just my no use advice frown.gif

Your advice has cleared a lot of stuff up for me, what are you talking about?
post May 7, 2003 - 5:03 AM
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Just a sarcastic statement for unbelievers biggrin.gif
post May 7, 2003 - 5:12 AM
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QUOTE (FallenHero @ May 5, 2003 - 10:51 PM)
The question is... will 4a intake parts bolt up to a 7a engine?  Also, would it play hell with the ecu?

4A should bolt right onto the &A since it is a 4A head with a long block or long stroke block.

But, verify this. It would take me a couple days for me to verify this with my machine.

But! The 4A is a 1600cc while the &A is a 1800cc. I believe that if toyota had to put on TB, I do not think there would have been the same size TB for the 4A 20v.

The size maybe a black top TB or mayber 50mm TB's

I use to know a TB site. Not sure if I have it on my turbo write up, but chat with them.

There can give you full insite into your application and what you want.

Pic a TB for your needs and performance.

Ok, here it is:
The TWM looks very nice. Very Racing quality. Nicely crafted. This is the one machine is going to use on his turbocharge 4AGE 20v Silver TOP with Forge Pistons

The other is http://www.proflowdesign.com/throttlebodies.html
Do not know much about them. Just search and found them

I personally have seen the TWM and lover them.

Pricing : http://www.twminduction.com/Catalogs/Catalogs-FR.html

This post has been edited by west_minist: May 7, 2003 - 5:28 AM


Hydra EMS Dealer & Tuner
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post May 7, 2003 - 5:42 AM
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hey i hope it works out good. let us know if it does M A C might do this. cause that what they do to Fords and GM's and eveyone know those engines cau put up some nice numbers but i never seen it on a L4.

post May 8, 2003 - 1:27 PM
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QUOTE (FallenHero @ May 5, 2003 - 8:51 PM)
The question is... will 4a intake parts bolt up to a 7a engine? Also, would it play hell with the ecu?

intake parts of 4A should be divided in 2 classes:
FE head parts and GE head parts cause the intake parts go to bolt on the head, not the block....4AFE has the same head of 7AFE but the GE one is different so the parts for the FE go well with 7AFE engine but those of the 4AGE will not I think..... wink.gif wink.gif
post May 8, 2003 - 1:35 PM
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Either way, you can still order the TB's from TWM Induction.
post May 8, 2003 - 1:42 PM
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So how much are you looking to gain from Seperate Throttle bodies?
post May 8, 2003 - 2:26 PM
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Depending on size and lenghts, from 1 hp to a couple depending on setup.

You will get better performance in all rpm ranges with 48 -50mm TB, but to take full advantage, you really need to rise above normal mods like exhaust and air filter.

I mean cams, header, bigger bore, big valves, increase in compression, fuel and so forth.

So just going to TB will add a couple HP for a very high $ cost.

I would advice anyone to stay away from them unless you are heading down to some serious mods for NA.

For Force induction, will see a benefit since manifold or TB would post less of a restriction to air than the old manifold.

Look at this. This came off my turbo write up.

user posted image


Hydra EMS Dealer & Tuner
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post May 8, 2003 - 11:01 PM
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Yea, www.lcengineering.com have this set up on their meaner 22R engines.

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