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> Those with 1MZ-FE engine swaps
post Sep 19, 2011 - 8:10 PM
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Joined Dec 8, '03
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how did you do cruise control? and im still looking for the right information on wiring changes. i cant seem to find it

2001 Celica GT-S Turbo
1997 Supra TT 6speed
1997 Celica 3MZ/1MZ swap
1990 Celica All-Trac
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post Jan 8, 2012 - 5:57 AM
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QUOTE (Smaay @ Sep 19, 2011 - 9:10 PM) *
how did you do cruise control? and im still looking for the right information on wiring changes. i cant seem to find it

Can anyone shed any light on this one?

I have a 1mz 6gen but lost cruise control in the swap. I want it back!


post Jan 9, 2012 - 5:54 PM
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Joined Mar 22, '07
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use the stock CC box, i think it has a cable to the pedal rather than the throttle body so you so be good with the mechanical side..

theres a few signals the CC box needs to allow it to function (clutch safety sw(OR)park&neutral safety sw, rpm, speed) make sure yu have all those present at the CC box.

btw the clutch sw the CC uses is different from the one it uses to start the car. the CC one is at the drivers side of the bracket (deactivates as soon as u press the pedal a tiny bit) and the sw is NOT present on a bracket that came from a car w/o CC, so if you did and auto - manual swap also, this is where the issue is. he plug IS there though. so order the switch or just short the two pins together

its probably in the wiring

"And, as always, your friendship, help, and dedication to the advancement of Texas Celica dominance is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks bro." -DEATH

1994 GT: V6 swap, 5speed E53 W/ LSD, All Power, now RED
1995 ST: SOLD @273k miles, Auto, all power, CarPC, White
1994 ST: Totaled, 5spd, all power, Red RIP 07/09/09 @ 241,810
1994 Lexus LS400: This is my new DD
post Jan 9, 2012 - 11:06 PM
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Joined Dec 8, '03
From Lancaster CA
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i havent put the 1MZ in yet, my celica is a 5 speed with CC already. im actually trying to source a 1MZ from a solara. have any leads?

2001 Celica GT-S Turbo
1997 Supra TT 6speed
1997 Celica 3MZ/1MZ swap
1990 Celica All-Trac
post Jan 10, 2012 - 9:06 AM
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Joined Mar 22, '07
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cruise control is 100% in the body.
wiring, hardware and all.

the only issue you may run into is placement of the CC box. Just make sure the harness it 100% converted and you'll be good to go.

"And, as always, your friendship, help, and dedication to the advancement of Texas Celica dominance is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks bro." -DEATH

1994 GT: V6 swap, 5speed E53 W/ LSD, All Power, now RED
1995 ST: SOLD @273k miles, Auto, all power, CarPC, White
1994 ST: Totaled, 5spd, all power, Red RIP 07/09/09 @ 241,810
1994 Lexus LS400: This is my new DD
post Jan 16, 2012 - 12:52 PM
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Joined Dec 8, '03
From Lancaster CA
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Reputation: 6 (100%)

Im trying to plan my wiring, any advise will help. i have the wiring diagrams for both cars but im just not seeing what needs to be modified

2001 Celica GT-S Turbo
1997 Supra TT 6speed
1997 Celica 3MZ/1MZ swap
1990 Celica All-Trac

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