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> 1999 Celica won't start, Cranks fine won't turn over TDS???
post Sep 15, 2017 - 11:08 AM
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Joined Sep 15, '17
From Saturn, Pennsylvania
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Hey there fellow Celicites!

Just bought a 1999 Celica, when I bought it it was overheating because of a bad main cooling fan motor. I replaced it and it was working fine. I did notice that the fan stays on even when the engine is cold though. The AC fan still didn't come on, I figured that I needed to replace that fan as well, but was not a major issue. Then about two weeks later I ran over something on the highway and it really jolted the car( so much so it bent my rim), I killed the left front tire but I got it replaced. OK... here comes the main issue

A week after I was driving along, top down chillin' , the car suddenly lost acceleration power and died. I would try and start it, it would sputter and die again. I changed the cap and rotor, no dice. I then changed the fuel pump because we couldn't hear it kick in, no dice. The only difference is that when I try to start it now it doesn't sputter anymore, just won't turn over . It has/had some sort of alarm on it, there is a red led to the left of the steering wheel, I've never seen it come on though and I only have a key no fob. I had to disconnect the battery while changing the fuel pump so I'm thinking it could be a theft deterrent system issue...dunno. Trying to isolate the issue. Any advice theories?

Thanks in advance!
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post Sep 15, 2017 - 6:36 PM
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Joined Oct 17, '16
From Grand Rapids, MI
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First off, congrats on the Celica!

If you have the factory Toyota security system, the LED will look like this:

If it doesn't look like that, it's probably an aftermarket system.

If your LED looks like the image above, put your driver's seat all the way forward and look under it from behind. Is there a little control module there? Because that's where the factory security module sits for the later 6th gen Celicas. I have one myself in my 1997.

If you have this, try unplugging all the wiring harnesses from it. If you don't have this, it might be located under the driver's side dash (kind of a pain to get to if this is the case) and unplug the wires there.

If it is some kind of aftermarket system, you may be stuck doing some fishing around behind the dash trying to find the control module in order to disable it. Might also be helpful to take some pictures and post them here so we have a better idea of what you're working with.


QUOTE (TimeslideZ @ Apr 22, 2017 - 4:49 PM) *
I currently live in MN and have always been a Toyota my whole life.
post Sep 15, 2017 - 6:46 PM
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Joined Sep 15, '17
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QUOTE (Bushmatic @ Sep 15, 2017 - 6:36 PM) *
First off, congrats on the Celica!

If you have the factory Toyota security system, the LED will look like this:

If it doesn't look like that, it's probably an aftermarket system.

If your LED looks like the image above, put your driver's seat all the way forward and look under it from behind. Is there a little control module there? Because that's where the factory security module sits for the later 6th gen Celicas. I have one myself in my 1997.

If you have this, try unplugging all the wiring harnesses from it. If you don't have this, it might be located under the driver's side dash (kind of a pain to get to if this is the case) and unplug the wires there.

If it is some kind of aftermarket system, you may be stuck doing some fishing around behind the dash trying to find the control module in order to disable it. Might also be helpful to take some pictures and post them here so we have a better idea of what you're working with.

Dang first off... I love this site and thanks for replying so quick. My mechanic and I were determined and retraced our steps. Turns out the the ignition coil wire to the distributor wasn't on all the way and my baby started up. The bad news is that the check engine light came on and obdII indicated that it's a bad shift A Solenoid... I'm going to start another topic on that. Thanks again and I'll be posting pics soon!
post Sep 15, 2017 - 10:36 PM
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Joined Oct 17, '16
From Grand Rapids, MI
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QUOTE (Baji @ Sep 15, 2017 - 4:46 PM) *
Dang first off... I love this site and thanks for replying so quick. My mechanic and I were determined and retraced our steps. Turns out the the ignition coil wire to the distributor wasn't on all the way and my baby started up. The bad news is that the check engine light came on and obdII indicated that it's a bad shift A Solenoid... I'm going to start another topic on that. Thanks again and I'll be posting pics soon!

Sweet I'm glad you got it all figured out at least. And you won't always get a fast reply here, this forum used to be way more active like 10 years ago. I just joined last year myself. There is an official 6gc Facebook group if you're interested. I will look out for your thread on the solenoid!


QUOTE (TimeslideZ @ Apr 22, 2017 - 4:49 PM) *
I currently live in MN and have always been a Toyota my whole life.

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