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> The Slyph, That's my 95 ST!
post Mar 27, 2013 - 4:01 PM
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Joined Mar 6, '13
From Tampa
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About a month ago, I became a first time Celica owner, and got my favorite body style: the 6 gen. I paid $1350 cash knowing that some small repairs were in order. I needed some wheels quickly because my wife got a job and needed her 98 Exploder (no typo there haha) to get her to work, so I got the Slyph! Little did I know that some small repairs would actually be a lot of tlc, time, and more importantly, money! Here's what my mechanic told me is in need of attention:

Most important: Brakes- front rotors are warped beyond resurfacing and pads are worn unevenly. Rear drum pads are cracked, and the piston leaks. Total brake overhaul required.
Oil leak- Definitely from oil pan gasket, possibly elsewhere but not sure because..
Power steering pump leaks- could be covering up another oil leak because of it position,will be able to tell the oil leak when the PS pump gets replaced
Clutch- shot. Going OEM replacement route when budget allows. Clutch master cylinder fluid was low, and is the color of coffee. topped off for now.
Rack and pinion slow leak- i know nothing about that
Idler pulley- bearing is out, needs replacing (annoying noise)
Tires = crap. dry rotting and i don't think they were ever rotated, ever. nor aligned.

That's the extent of the mechanical issues so far that I can remember. here are some niceties that will get fixed:

cigarette lighter inop. looking for an original replacement. I don't smoke anymore but gotta charge the phone up on road trips!
Head unit is aftermarket and intermittant- i pulled it and checked the plugs, whoever installed it just spliced wires instead of getting the harness, probably shorting.
Stock speakers are blown.
needs a paint job and minor body work on left rear qtr panel.
Trunk latch pull by driver's seat doesn't work.
Sometimes when it's unlocked and I pull on the handle the door locks itself.

That's about it I think.. i see some time being taken! Hope the wife doesn't get (any more) jealous lol. Will post up some pics and updates when they happen!
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post Mar 27, 2013 - 4:29 PM
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Joined Jan 26, '09
From Los Angeles
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Reputation: 1 (100%)

Wow! Yeah, you got quite a journey ahead of you!

Welcome! thumbsup.gif


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