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> OBD II on a 94 st?, its got 2 oxygen senesors?
post Mar 12, 2004 - 1:55 PM
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Joined Oct 9, '03
From Indianapolis, In
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so i have a 94 celica st and it has 2 o2 sensors? wtf? it cant be OBD II b/c its speed density and not hot wire Mass Air Flow Meter...plus OBD II wasnt around until 96? can anyone help me? please...i want to put my header on. smile.gif torrey
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post Mar 13, 2004 - 1:58 PM
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Joined Aug 29, '02
From Dallas, Tx
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You need them in. Running w/o the O2 can trigger little problems and cause the car to run funky...

I would have thought that was true as well, but I'm not convinced now. Mike (Qatar11) and I have been discussing it some and I really don't see anything the engine is using them for that I would be able to tune around. The fact that it doesn't even trigger a CEL seems a bit odd to me. Thats the whole point of the CEL, to tell the user when one of the sensors is messed up. If it needed them, why wouldn't it say so?

I don't suggest anyone else do this, but I'm going to do some more testing on this subject and see what I come up with. I want to have a definitive answer before I go FI.

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