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> Rinsed out engine bay, stall + no start
post Nov 28, 2014 - 12:25 AM
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Joined Sep 13, '14
From Oshawa
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Hi this is my first post. I had a hose blow coolant all over the motor the other day (having a few coolant related problems atm) I changed the hose, filled up the coolant but because there was coolant still on the tranny and such I got out the garden hose and sprayed everything down real good. There was a little steam hitting the header and such but not much. It stalled and when I went to start it back up maybe its my imagination but I thought I saw more steam then normal and smelt a little electrical type smoke. It turns over no problem the battery is strong but nothing. I left it 10 hrs and still nothing. I sprayed most of my electrical connections down with wd40 to pull the water out of them. I am at a loss. If I wake up and its still like that I may have to tow it. any ideas or suggestions. thank you very much for your help
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post Dec 3, 2014 - 6:56 PM
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Joined Dec 3, '13
From Missourah
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ya always wrap the dizzy in plastic if you go anywhere near under the hood with a hose.

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