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> The time has come...., T-Belt and some seals hopefully...
post Sep 3, 2015 - 9:15 PM
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Joined Jan 12, '15
From Cambridge, Minnesota
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So lately my 5S has been steadily leaking oil. I've located the majority of the leak coming from the lower corner of the timing case where there is a seal hanging there. The other bit I believe is coming from the oil pan. So i'm gonna start with replacing the t-belt and water pump and cam and crank seals. But I have never done a t-belt replacement before so I need some help. Is there a how-to post for this somewhere? Or can anyone give me some helpful advice and what tools to use and parts to replace while doing this and what all needs to be removed?? Thanks!
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post Sep 15, 2015 - 5:51 PM
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Joined Aug 5, '15
From SoCal
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I agree, pulling the engine would be best. You would be surprised, pulling an engine is not all that difficult in these cars. Considering the OP may have a pan leaking and FMS leak, it would be easier to take the engine out and work on it. If the FMS is going, I wouldn't trust the rear to last. Only issue, some people don't have access to a cherry picker(plus engine stand) and/or don't want to shell out money for something they're going to use once or twice.

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