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> Need troubleshooting ideas/help, Not starting, fuel pump/relay replaced
post Mar 16, 2017 - 4:24 PM
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Joined Mar 6, '17
From Sacramento
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My Celica wouldn't start about a month ago, sat at my girlfriends house for about a week, that day I drove it, then she drove it, ran fine, normal, she picked me up from work in her car, and when I got her place, my Celica wouldn't start, it was about 1am, **** it I thought, I have to be up for work in 5 hours, I'll look at it when I get the chance. A week later I tried starting it, no luck, would rev, but not turn over, inspecting the engine I noticed one of the spark plug wires was up a bit highee than the others, so I pressed it back down, started up just fine, ran great for several weeks...then, I drove home from work one night, parked it, got up the next morning, wouldn't start again.
I figured it was the spark plug wires, they were pretty old and hard to get in and out, I bought new wires, put them in, no luck. My buddy suggested the fuel pump, so I bought a new one, he put it in for me, and ran several tests, no codes for check engine, piston rings in cylinder four are shot, about 50 psi (1-3 are between 120-130), and he said he can't hear the fuel pump coming on when the key is turned.

He chased the wire to the fuel pump/circuit opening relay, we got three of those from pick n pull, he tried them all but no luck, now we're confused and not sure what to look for, I'm thinking fuses or something electrical. When I got home that night (after he tried all the relays), I tried starting it, and it started right up, fuel pump was humming, engine sputtered at first, then maintained idle rpms, I wanted to test drive it, but I had a tire that was almost flat. The next day I tried to start it, wouldn't turn over again!!
I've replaced the fuel pump relay, fuel pump/circuit opening relay, and efi relay. Any suggestions! ?
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post Mar 16, 2017 - 7:36 PM
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Joined Feb 23, '12
From Warrior, AL
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Check the distributor and then I'd also check the crank sensor.

2001 Miata LS 5-speed

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