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> building up a 7AFE n/a, making the most power\
post Mar 30, 2004 - 12:26 AM
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Joined Aug 20, '03
From Annapolis, Md
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ok, sorry if this is a repost, but i searched for awhile about what to do an how to build up a 7AFE, but i got nothing. I remember that someone had or was selling one that i thought had more the 200 hp... so i was thinking , i wouyld be a hella lot easier then doing the whole 3s conversion, an i kinda like the non turbo an a fresh re-build, compared to an engine i know nothing about and a swap that i could end up getting screwed.. so im looking for any an all info on bulding up a n/a 7AFE. Thanks for anyhelp, an again sorry if its a re-post.
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post Mar 30, 2004 - 3:36 AM
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Joined Jan 22, '04
From bellingham, WA
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VVT came out in 1992...

but vvti isn't ALL that new seeing how it was mercedes who played with variable timing back in like the 60's..... and also toyota had their variable intake system on some of the motors (t-vis).....

and also, the GSR is a pretty heavy little car..... also.... the GSR at that time really couldn't compete with the all-trac, the turbo mr2 (even the 5s-fe mr2 was a good match), the supra or the turbo supra.....

yes... 7a-fe is dohc, but it has a slave cam inside of it (so in a TWIN CAM motor, both cam gears run on the timing belt and run in the same direction... with the toyota FE heads, one gear is on the timing belt, and there's 2 internal gears... one cam drives the other so they rotate in opposite directions)

here's what a 7a-fe head looks like (this is an early model 4a-fe... but the heads are identical):
user posted image

on the right you can see where the external single cam would bolt to the exhaust cam.... and the exhaust cam rotates the intake cam... on the left is where the distributor is... this picture is backwards from how it looks in your car....

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