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> When does a celica stop being a celica
post Nov 20, 2002 - 4:09 AM
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Joined Oct 25, '02
From London- England
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I've been looking at some of the rides on this site and have noticed
some cars which are hybrids.We all love the idea of making our
Celica's unique to us but when does a celica stop being a Celica
when you borrow parts from another model, supra back ends etc.
I'm not running down anyones ride, but shouldn't we stay faithful
to the original cars design - within reason, just a thought.
I won't be able to check out your opinions until tonight, the time difference
y' know,

Chat later.......... confused.gif
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post Nov 20, 2002 - 8:23 PM
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Joined Aug 30, '02
From Maryland
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Reputation: 8 (100%)

Origionality thats the name of the game. There are 3 bodykits avalible for the celica in the US. That makes for some boring car shows if you go there and see 12 of the same thing.

Think for a moment that you are walking past those cars and you see the same damn thing car, after car, after car and then you see this Supra...or maybe it's a Celica. You don't know so you go over there to check it out.

Bang! There you go. The body mods have done their purpose. It's all about catching someones eye.

A Celica will always be a Celica to the owner.


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