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> Nitrus on a 7afe... Hows it runnin for you all?
post Jun 9, 2004 - 8:10 PM
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Joined Jun 2, '03
From Annandale VA
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Just so I can say I have explored all my options, im curious what are most people running on the 7afe? I hear 50 is probobly a safe shot correct? What does a kit to preform a 50 shot cost, how is the kick in the ass when you use it, and how much does it cost to use it, like how much do you get outa a bottle full and how much are they? How many times have thoes of you using nos used it and have you noticed any dammage to your engine? Thanks ahead of time.
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post Jun 10, 2004 - 5:48 AM
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Joined Jun 2, '03
From Annandale VA
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well I have 63k miles runs perfect running synthetic oil the last 12k miles engines really ready I do believe for most anything, I would only want a moderate 50 shot, I wouldnt go higher, and frankly if there was a zek kit that did a 35, I would like to stay between 35 and 50. Unfortunaly no zex kit does the 35 and 50 frown.gif
As I figure it, if 75 will hurt it if used in any form regularly, its not good for the car, and ill stick to somthing less dammaging.

This post has been edited by slipgun: Jun 10, 2004 - 5:49 AM

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