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> breathers, ?
post Jun 20, 2004 - 9:26 PM
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Joined Feb 3, '04
From North Carolina
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what are they and what do they do, where do they go?

they look like mini air filters....what are they?
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post Jul 2, 2004 - 11:13 AM
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Joined May 3, '04
From Alhambra 62001
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QUOTE (Coomer @ Jul 2, 2004 - 3:30 PM)
I'm using a breather on my 4A-GE. We initially had 3/8" fuel line coming from the valve cover to the intake tube, then decided to just use a breather, and it didn't change anything performance-wise.

What's interesting is that if there's nothing on that tube on my car, there's a really loud pulsed whistling sort of sound. wink.gif

I took off the stock and put a breather on. In doing so I would get the same whistling sound, but my car would rev-up then kind of die, then rev-up then kind of die, then rev-up..........but only when I was in park. If I put it in gear it was fine, untill I hit high RPM's then it would have a hard time with the RPMs. Kind of weard! but when I put the stock tube back on it was fine!

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