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> "sticky" shifting, help?
post Dec 11, 2004 - 11:51 PM
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Joined Jun 26, '04
From Bay Area, California
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when i shift, it feels like it sticks a little. I was in my friends bimmer and he let me shift around n stuff and it felt so much smoother, why does mine stick? Also, when i push in the clutch its real soft and theres no point where you actually feel it push in, when i was in the bmw, you can push to a point where it feels a little pressure and then when you press more you feel it sink in, kinda like a two step thing. hard to explain but maybe thi s little diagram will help
....... ||| ..........

the . = little pressure | = little more pressure. i unno if you guys will get that at all but there ya go haha tongue.gif
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post Dec 12, 2004 - 1:20 AM
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Joined Aug 23, '02
From Seattle, WA
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About the clutch thing, I've noticed that a lot of the nicer luxury cars have clutches like that...my Celicas both have clutches where the feel doesn't change much.

But about the sticking, rjbibeau has it right...new tranny fluid should help. smile.gif

New Toyota project coming soon...

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