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> "sticky" shifting, help?
post Dec 11, 2004 - 11:51 PM
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Joined Jun 26, '04
From Bay Area, California
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when i shift, it feels like it sticks a little. I was in my friends bimmer and he let me shift around n stuff and it felt so much smoother, why does mine stick? Also, when i push in the clutch its real soft and theres no point where you actually feel it push in, when i was in the bmw, you can push to a point where it feels a little pressure and then when you press more you feel it sink in, kinda like a two step thing. hard to explain but maybe thi s little diagram will help
....... ||| ..........

the . = little pressure | = little more pressure. i unno if you guys will get that at all but there ya go haha tongue.gif
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post Dec 12, 2004 - 11:50 PM
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Joined Aug 20, '03
From Annapolis, Md
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Yeah theres a hudge dif between a bimmer an the celi. I didnt like driving my aunts 325i as much with stick, but thats prolly because im use to my car. but yeah def a big dif.

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