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> Engine is choking...
post Jan 2, 2005 - 2:33 PM
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Joined Jan 31, '03
From Montreal, Canada
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Hey ive been out for a couple of days during the holidays and my ride been sitting in the driveway all that time... it started no problem and i let it run at idle for couple of minutes before taking off but the engine was choking whenever i hit the gas in 2nd or above and when going back to idle (had to rev up alot so it doesnt stop). After 15 minutes everyhting go back to normal. This happen everytime i dont use my car for 3-4 days or more.

It must have something to do with humidity... any ideas of which parts/wires might cause this?
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post Jan 25, 2005 - 9:09 PM
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Joined Nov 20, '02
From Chicago to Boston and back to Chicago
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I'm having the exact same problem but my car actually cuts off. It first happened when I was driving my car away from getting a tune up (not even 1 minute) and it happens if I don't let my car warm up for at least 10-15 mins every morning before driving it. If it's not warm, it'll cut off and act like it doesn't want to start again. After a couple of seconds it'll start and I'll have to rev it up for it not to cut off. The RPM's are very low also and it dips all the way down (almost cutting off) when I stop revving it up.

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