cutting... |
cutting... |
Mar 16, 2005 - 11:49 PM |
Enthusiast Joined Aug 29, '02 From Franklin/Nashville, TN Currently Offline Reputation: 16 (100%) |
just wondering..probably, if someone does, they'll be too embarrassed or scared to admit it...
i've been known to...not excessively, but some. very rarely...and not much at all when i have done it... don't tell me i need help, don't tell me i'm crazy, don't tell my you're worried about me. i don't need to hear those things. i know everything about this situation. i just wonder if there's anyone on here that's willing to admit to it... i guess this is kninda a step out, but i really don't care? again. don't tell me all the things i don't want, and don't NEED to hear. . if you lose respect for me, that's fine, i understand. but i'm not a loose cannon, nor am i suicidal. and i'm not crazy...or maybe i am? . some people just have different releases for different situations. so anyway. i know of at least one other person on here, but i won't mention their name..i just wonder if there's more..because it's somewhat common... -John- -------------------- |
Mar 22, 2005 - 7:03 PM |
Enthusiast Joined Sep 23, '04 From Stillwater, Ok Currently Offline Reputation: 0 (0%) |
Most ppl that self-mutilators usually disapprove of aggressive feelings and impulses. If they fail to suppress these they direct them inwardly. . . . they often regard their self-mutilative acts as ways of relieving intolerable tension resulting from interpersonal stressors.
It has been found that people who self-injure usually have not developed three important self-capacities: the ability to tolerate strong feelings, the ability to maintain a sense of self-worth, and the ability to maintain a sense of connection to others. The first of these speaks directly to the emotional-regulation role of self-harm; the others are perhaps related to its communicative functions Alexithymia is the state of not being able to describe the emotions one is feeling. . This is especially important in understanding the communicative function of self-injury: "Rather than use words to express feelings, an alexithymic's communication is an act aimed at making others feel [those same feelings]" These reasons can be broadly grouped into three categories: Affect regulation -- Trying to bring the body back to equilibrium in the face of turbulent or unsettling feelings. This includes reconnection with the body after a dissociative episode, calming of the body in times of high emotional and physiological arousal, validating the inner pain with an outer expression, and avoiding suicide because of unbearable feelings. In many ways, as Sutton says, self-harm is a "gift of survival." It can be the most integrative and self-preserving choice from a very limited field of options. Communication -- Some people use self-harm as a way to express things they cannot speak. When the communication is directed at others, the SIB is often seen as manipulative. However, manipulation is usually an indirect attempt to get a need met; if a person learns that direct requests will be listened to and addressed the need for indirect attempts to influence behavior decreases. Thus, understanding what an act of self-harm is trying to communicate can be crucial to dealing with it in an effective and constructive way. Control/punishment -- This category includes trauma reenactment, bargaining and magical thinking (if I hurt myself, then the bad thing I am fearing will be prevented), protecting other people, and self-control. Self-control overlaps somewhat with affect regulation; in fact, most of the reasons for self-harm listed above have an element of affect control in them. The first thing that has to take place it the recognition that this behavior is unhealthy. i'd guess that your coming out is at least a partial admittiance that you know something is wrong and if i am incorrect then i apologize about that. in all honesty friend i would suggest you find some one to talk to about this and let them help you discover what this underlying problem is... this is something that is secondary to another problem.. behavior that is the result of that problem.. it is not okay to hurt yourself any more than it is ok for those who use drugs to selfmedicate. i understand the utter dispare that comes with life at times but it is conquerable. were i a close friend id ask you to not run from what it is that prevents you from happiness but to take the adversity that is before you and preserve through it . a valley... much energy is expended to cross through this time that you have before you to overcome this valley but it can be done dear friend.. everything that becomes great must at some point overcome strife... it can be done... and if you be religious then have faith pray and you will suffer not through the grace of god .. if you are not religous id ask you to explore the option even if only intellectually the glory that is truth. i'll be more than happy to help you with that as well . pm me if you have any questions .. ryan -------------------- WAR HAS NEVER SOLVED ANYTHING...EXCEPT FOR THE ENDING OF COMMUNISM, FASCISM, NAZISM, AND SLAVERY.
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