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> trubo or swap?, one of them will happen
CT-26 turbo, or 5th gen 3sgte
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post May 9, 2005 - 3:46 AM
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Joined Jan 10, '04
From Shoreline, WA
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Reputation: 4 (100%)

I planned on putting a turbo in my car, however knowing that I would never get more then 200hp from it (withough major motor overhall) I kinda figured that doing the swap to a 3s would be the better thing to do, but also the ability to get even more hp over time (If i decide I want more)

If I get the swap I would go out and buy a 5th gen all-trak, a good running one for the best price I can find (have the motor checked out by my mechanic) (not caring about the body damage the car may have or anthing really spet the motor and components needed) then one I have both the cars, take them to the shop, have them pull the 5 gens and put it in my baby. and leave my 5s out for re-sale. then basicly sell of whats left of the donar car for cheap,

its not gana happen for a wile but I wanted to get an idea from you guys about it.

I now that whenever a swap is done its bound to have problems because the motor is not ment for my car, and that if I put a turbo on a motor that is not ment for one its gana also have problems. so keeping that in mind, and the big price differance, as well as the big gain differance, and know that i care more about the outcome of the car then the money going into it. what do you guys think i should do.

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