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> To fix or not to Fix, that is the questions...
post Jun 3, 2005 - 9:23 AM
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Joined Aug 20, '03
From Annapolis, Md
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Reputation: 5 (100%)

ok, so this isnt my car, and before you go, well ****, never mind. I would like some opinions.

I bought a boat,17' sea ray with a 90 hp outboard johnson, from a ex friends stepdad like 3 years ago, maybe 4 by now. The dasy i got it it ran, but a few days later it stoped runnign right. he said he would help fix it, but wouldnt give back the money. So im screwed, I have been putting it off forever. and now it need to fix it.

So.. I have been searching around and i can buy a power head from some shady dealer on the net for $1700 or have this very well know an good shop i just took it to, fix it for $2250. My delema is, that, I spent $3500 for the boat have prolly already put $400 into it, now another $2250, an the boat prolly still wouldnt be worth much more then 4k if im lucky. But if i dont fix it an sell it, im prolly looking at 1.5k. I really want a boat. but it just seems eaither way im still some what screwed.

I live on the water in annapolis , an crew up oin boats an all, and now my faimly dosnt have a boat, becuase my brothers is being finished my dads just blew his engine and the 2 sail boats have rip'ed sails. but i still have two little skiffs rolleyes.gif

What would you do, sell an cut the losses an prolly blow the money one somthing else. just say f uck it and fix it and be done with it.. or what. Thanks for any replys
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post Jun 4, 2005 - 10:26 AM
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Joined Aug 20, '03
From Annapolis, Md
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Reputation: 5 (100%)

QUOTE(chucho @ Jun 3, 2005 - 9:42 PM)
have to say shady is never a good way to go....you never know whats gonna happen.  If your fixing the boat and you want it running then go to the most dependable source you have.

Wish I had a boat, would be tons of fun.  But i cant afford that hassle right now.  School & bills to pay off first.

Yeah I cant afford it eaither, but my rich aunt an uncle are lending me the money.. cause im still paying off school.. so if i do it iwll be in debt. Im just trying to sell every thing i have.. well most of everything, to afford it.

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