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> Not all tuners are jerks, eclipse helped me out
post Jul 6, 2005 - 12:49 AM
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Joined Oct 13, '03
From Dandridge, Tennessee
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so recently I went up to michigan on a little vacation. I was about 30 miles away from my dads house when my rim throws 2 lugs and my tire shreds up get my self straightened(sp) out and I pull off. well after about 20mins of sitting on the side of the road trying to get reception on my phone ( &%*# you verizon) this guy in a fixed up eclipse pulls up behind my car and gets out and offers to help me out well he looks in his trunk but he has no spare, it prolly wouldn't have fit anyways. so he gives me a ride to the tow place and I get my car towed to my dads. I tryed to give him some money but he wouldn't take it. I guess not all people with fixed cars are assholes. Thank you Eclipse Guy.


ooo yeh and Konig told me it'll be 2 months before they can send me a replacement FreeFall wheel.....what the hell

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post Jul 6, 2005 - 9:04 PM
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Joined Jan 10, '04
From Shoreline, WA
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I think that people that fix up cars are more inclinded to help because we have probibly all been there (with a busted car on the side of the road) so we understand that chit happens, plus I think eclipse people are pretty nice in general I work with some people that are in that crowd and there pretty cool.

its the civic people that are a$$e$, jk. who knows everyone is diff.

probilby lucky that a cop did not pull up, I bet if a cop saw ya on the side of the road he would have though bad about ya and been a dick, but who knows, I like to think everyone has a good side.

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