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> Cargo Space, Silly question...
post Aug 3, 2005 - 2:54 PM
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Joined Oct 4, '04
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Alright hope this isn't a stupid question, but does anyone know if it's possible to fit a set of 4 rims (with tires) inside the Celica? I'm thinking of going to pick a set up and just wondering if I need a bigger vehicle. I won't have any passengers or any other cargo. I'm pretty sure I could put two on the front seat and then one in the backseat and one in the hatch but I'm not sure... maybe someone else out there has experience with this. Thanks.
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post Aug 4, 2005 - 3:39 PM
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Joined May 15, '05
From Toronto
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Reputation: 4 (100%)

i love the amount of cargo space in celica...i hadda pickup some spare/new parts for my supra..i got 2 fenders, mudflaps, corner lenses, my sub, 2 duffel bags, a cooler and me and my gf..lol..and i still had tons of room...i like going 2 the drive in, parkin the celi backwars, folding down the back seats, movin my sub onto the floor(great thing about bass tubes)open the hatch(or keep it closed on cold nights) and just sit back and relax..and im 6'1" and i still have plenty of room..lol

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