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> Brembo Rotors..., this a good price?
post Aug 2, 2005 - 6:46 PM
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Joined May 15, '05
From Toronto
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Reputation: 4 (100%)

Hey, so theres this place on the other side of the city from me that sells Brembo Rotors, and KVR pads for any thing essentialy. So i gave them a call, they said it would take 2 days to order. For Cross drilled rotors and a set of KVR pads for both front and rear it would be $191 US, or $237 cnd for the rotors, and $92 for the pads cnd. So all in all, $379 CND with tax. Would you say thats pretty good for a full brake setup??
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post Aug 7, 2005 - 1:16 PM
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Joined May 15, '05
From Toronto
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Reputation: 4 (100%)

well im not lockin up my breaks nor am i glazing my pads. Ive been runnin with a set of highperformance pads in the front since i bought my car (ceramic pads) on regular rotors, and so did my friend with the maxima. I drove his max a few times when he was just runnin on regular pads and rotors, when he switched to brembo's and kvrs's like what im plannin on duin we actually stopped 6 feet shorter. We did a test on his street, did a run to 60km/h, then hit the breaks. We stopped in 28feet or so, then did the same test with the brembos and we stopped in around 20 feet. So i dunno, you say going cross drilled is pointless cuz its gonna lock up ur wheels, yet cars like porche and farrari run cross drilled and slotted rotors factory. 95% of the cars here who drift, do solo racing or just time attack on a track are runnin 4 wheel cross drilled n slotted. my friend who runs solo in his neon shaved 8 seconds off per lap on cayuga's track because he switched his breaking setup.

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