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> rx-7 not passing emissions, any ideas?
post Aug 19, 2005 - 1:10 AM
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Joined Sep 17, '03
From Tampa FL
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I know crap about rotory. My neighbor has an old rx-7 that wont pass emissions. He says it flies but he cant drive cuz emissions. He asked if i knew how to fix. I was thinking about making him an offer for it but i know nothing about an rx-7. any idea on how to get it to pass or any common probs?

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post Aug 19, 2005 - 8:15 AM
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Joined Sep 12, '03
From Portland , Oregon , United States
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Rotary's in nature burn oil to stay lubericated so baiscly its a pain to pass emissions. refer him to www.rx7club.com and they can point you in the right direction on which steps to take 1 at a time to make it pass.

newbie - blown apex seal it wouldent start, and if it would start if would sound horrific then shut off, FD seals arnt always better its regular maintence on the engine in genearl and seals will just randomly go all the time. Rotor heads I am sorta one know this and take this into consideration when owninn a rotary, but there is just something about a spinning Dorrito.


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