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> Remote Start Wiring Questions
post May 15, 2003 - 6:17 PM
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Joined Aug 23, '02
From Seattle, WA
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This weekend I am going to install an Autopage RS-650 car alarm with remote start in my car, and I've got a few questions about some of the wiring.

1. Which wires do I need to connect together to trick the car into thinking that the clutch is pushed in? I looked near the clutch pedal but didn't do any testing of the wires because I figured that someone here would know. I also looked in the Chilton's repair manual, but that didn't have the wiring info that I need.

2. Where is the easiest place to tap into the starter and ignition on wires for my remote start? I need to attach one wire to the starter wire(which is supposedly a black/white wire at the ignition switch harness), one wire to the blue/orange ignition on wire, and one wire to the blue/red ignition on wire. I looked around the ignition switch, and it seems like that goes pretty far back, so I'm just wondering where is the easiest place to connect these wires.

3. Does anyone have any photos of where exactly they ran wires from the engine bay through the firewall into the car's cabin? I have never been able to find a place to run wires through, but I need to run some wires from the engine bay to the cabin of the car.

If anyone can help me with these questions, I'd greatly appreciate it. smile.gif

New Toyota project coming soon...
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post May 17, 2003 - 12:24 AM
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Joined Sep 30, '02
From NS Can
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The clutch wires should be near the top and behind the clutch pedal arm, a little switch there that the arm hits when clutch in.... if I think of it tomorrow I'll get a pic,,

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