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> celica vs raccoon, I win, unfortunately
post Oct 7, 2005 - 3:16 AM
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Joined Jun 30, '03
From O-town, FL
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ugh, nailed a BIG raccoon tonight. I was driving home from my exgirlfriends house (yes we broke up, again, for those of you following my life), when out of the corner of my eye I saw a huge raccoon. I was like, wow he's big. Then I was like, wow, im about to hit him. Then I was like, wow, that was a huge thump and a horrible sound. I decided not to get out because im a big pussy and cornfields at 3AM scare me. So I get home, pull in the garage, get out, check my bumper, paints missing, its cracked, the damn thing tore through my mesh grill, busted my front neon real bad, and put a big dent in my radiator. My radiator is now leaking and white gas is coming out from the front that makes me feel really dizzy and stuff. It doesn't smell too good either. So...is it safe to start the car? Or drive it anywhere? It's my only vehicle.

Man, this guy was huge, really, it could eat cattle, I swear to god...Sort of sucks. More money to spend that I don't have.

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post Oct 7, 2005 - 6:04 PM
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Joined Jul 7, '04
From Maryland
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"cornfields at 3AM scare me"
dont go to Delaware , thats all they have
post Oct 11, 2005 - 11:13 AM
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Joined May 24, '03
From Milton, Delaware
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QUOTE(Manta5x @ Oct 7, 2005 - 6:04 PM)
"cornfields at 3AM scare me"
dont go to Delaware , thats all they have

Haha, yes

I saw 'Signs' (the movie) then went back to my home (lower delaware), and apparently something happened and all the power was out in my town. So i'm driving by all these fuggin corn fields in the pitch black. When i got to my house (also surrounded by corn fields) i turned my car alarm on (with me in it) and settled in for a nap to wait it out for sunlight...

Then my dad comes outside with a flashlight and ask me wtf i'm doing


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