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> Aluminum Floor Mats, Anyone Have Them Or Know Where They Are
post May 26, 2003 - 1:50 AM
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Joined Mar 9, '03
From Orting, WA
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Ive seen Aluminum Floor Mats before but now I cant find them, any one have ideas on where i can get some
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post May 27, 2003 - 1:59 AM
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Joined Mar 4, '03
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Erm... Just out of curiousity, do you fellas mean actual floor mats (as in removable), or actual proper racing style aluminium floor kits?

Because at my local AutoBarn they have both! The kit is just basically aluminium plating that you screw to your floor and it comes up under your pedals for your feet. Also includes aluminium under-door rails (or whatever the hell they are called)

IMO the floor mats look DODGY! they look and feel like plastic not metal.

Seriously ... have you guys actually looked around?? Check out all your bigname auto accessory stores, and if you can't find em on a shelf somewhere, talk to the guys behind the counter - they will have BIG MOMMA folders full of stuff they can order in. Most of these kind of stores only actually display like half the gear they actually sell.

damm ive seen them somewhere online for sell, now all i find is for 99 and up..torasport has them for a 99, do u think thell fit in a 96

Sounds like you are talking about mats made specifically for the 6th gen celica? - I didn't even know they made custom mats.. thought they were all 1 size fits all? I mean most cars have about the same floorspace.... the ones I've seen looked like they would fit fine..

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