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> Who here has an ill parent?
post Nov 22, 2005 - 6:06 PM
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Joined Mar 4, '03
From Kirkland, Washington
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My mom has been ill for nearly 20 years with Multiple Sclerosis. Its been really hard for me to deal with. I see her sick all the time and she puts up such a front that shes feeling ok. I know shes not though! :-(

Multiple Sclerosis
A chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system in which gradual destruction of myelin occurs in patches throughout the brain or spinal cord (or both), interfering with the nerve pathways and causing muscular weakness, loss of coordination and speech and visual disturbances.

My mother and father have both shown signs of heart disease and my dad was showing signs of colon cancer.

This post has been edited by BlackCelicaGT94: Nov 22, 2005 - 6:07 PM

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post Nov 22, 2005 - 9:51 PM
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Joined Nov 20, '04
From Carlisle, PA
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Depressing topic. frown.gif My parents are both fine, but the moms of the two girls I'm really close friends with both have an illness. Melissa's mom has something where she can't eat very much sugar or should could die (not diabetes). Before Melissa was born her mom almost died from this. The doctors couldn't figure out what it is, and to this day they're still not sure what it is, but she gets migraines often and can't eat sweets. Taylor's mom has MS. Taylor gets really down when she has to see her mom in such pain, but her mom, like yours, is strong about it. I really respect anyone who has MS and any other mental or physical illness. I can't even imagine having to live with something like that myself...

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