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> Remote Starter, Does anyone have one installed in at manual?
post Dec 26, 2005 - 8:42 PM
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Joined Sep 28, '03
From Brighton, MI
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I've just been given a remote starter for my Celi for X-mas from Circuit City. Now I KNOW that these can be installed in a manual, but when I took it up there to have it installed (already paid for the install) They said "Sure, sticks are no problem". 6 hrs later i get a call from one of the techs saying they can't install it BECAUSE it's a manual. So, my question is, does anyone have it installed in their manual and no of anyplace that is willing to do it (CIrcuit City is all about liabilities). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want this in my car SOOO bad.

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post Jan 2, 2006 - 2:00 AM
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Joined Mar 23, '05
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it's not illegal but like said before, it's just a bad liability that installation company's don't want to be held for. my friend had one installed in his SRT-4 and had in writing that it was supposed to have a sensor that didn't allow it to start while in gear. Well after starting it and having it run into the side of his house he's suing the company.

1999 Celica GT

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