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> Radioshack, The best decision I ever made
post Jan 25, 2006 - 1:56 PM
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Joined Mar 3, '05
From Hollywood, FL
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Well yesterday there was a meet for radioshack managers, the topic: Radioshack Changing Pay Plans. At first all of us were like "oh crap, another $10k out of our salary but knowing radioshack they would make it sound good" but then after actually sitting through the meeting, discussing the pay plans, it is actually MUCH better now. Radioshack wants to be competive with the rest of the retail world as far as pay goes, so for smaller stores your base salary was $24k a year, now its $35k a year before bonus's (which in the end is about $50k a year) now thats not bad, but for the higher stores, there base salary has moved up from $24k a year to $86k BEFORE bonus's. So after it would come out to around $130k a year, thats freakin crazy. The store im at now is just above the 'crappy stores' but I am getting promoted on Feb. 15th to a 2 million dollar store (my store now does 700k a year, the largest store in florida does about 4 million a year) So my pay check will greatly increase, which I am so freakin happy. Anywho, I just had to brag a little that my hard work is finally paying off. In just over 2 weeks I will start making $65k a year before bonus's, and im only 20 years old. Man you guys have no idea how happy I am. Anywho like I said I just had 2 tell somebody, I just dont want any of my real life friends or family 2 find out yet.

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To survive, thats to find meaning, in the suffering....
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post Jan 25, 2006 - 2:10 PM
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Joined Oct 1, '02
From Seattle, WA
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Wow! congrats on the raise and promotion! Thats amazing that radio shack is that competitve salary-wise


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