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> help!!!!, ive asked around, search, u name it and no answer
post Jan 21, 2006 - 5:16 PM
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Joined Oct 3, '04
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Ok here is the situation. my father gave me his gt. ive done complete tune up, both axels, battery, rear sturts. now here is were im at now. when you start the car and put first gear and take off there is no problem, 2nd gear no problem nowwww....putting 3rd gear is the problem. the clutch is pressed in, as your trying to put in 3rd there is a craakkkk. the same noise that u hear when the cluch in not pressed in all the way and u tryin to shift gears. its not the clutch b/c there is still preassure and it not slipping, not the tranny, my guess the cables. i looked at them today and they seemed ok. once 3rd gear is in it works just fine, i drove around with the plastic cover off the the noice seem to come from the assembly were the shifter sits on. but i dont see how that could cause that noise. user posted image
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post Jan 27, 2006 - 12:12 PM
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Joined Oct 3, '04
From NC
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manny tranny fluid has been done, i actually drove to car to school today and i noticed, like it was mentioned earlier when i shift is at like at 4-5 rpm u can really feel the kick when it kicks back.
I called toyota today the syncro is only 29.99 but labor for puttin it in is $450. The clutch is also startin to slip in the higher gears like 4-5th, so clutch is needed to. Then engine is burning a little oil , so im guessin the rings have to be replaced too. with all this i might just wait around and swap the whole thing. japan direct down in Raleigh have clips for 2500 and a st215 engine for 1600(ive never heard of a st215), the only thing is the tranny. those are awd trannys, the 5s tranny is bad so i cant use it, mr2 tranny u gotta convert and it sound like its a pain to do, so im clueless kindasad.gif

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