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> 3sgte?, Information
post Dec 24, 2002 - 1:54 PM
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Joined Dec 17, '02
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How much horse power would you get if you put a 3sgte in a 96' Celica GT?

Tell me everything you know about it
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post Dec 25, 2002 - 8:58 PM
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Joined Nov 4, '02
From Davenport Iowa
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would it cost 6 to 8000 to change the engine, change the transmission to all trac, and to add the intercooler and injector or did you mean it would cost 6-8000 to convert to the all trac transmission?

That is way too much for all of that work...

3sgte,wiring harness,ECU and transmission : 2500-3500
Front mount intercooler (optional) : 200-400
Injectors (optional) : 400-600
Engine/Transmission motor mount : 80-150
Remaining motor mounts (optional) :160-300
GT4 rear end and parts (optional) : 800-1000
GT shifter arms (needed if using the 3sgte tranny) 0-100

this is just a basic list but it is still 3740 - 5350 for everything and 2580 - 3650 for just the basics.

the price also depends on weither or not you have an ST or a GT... the ST's will require alot more work... more money

there are also "hidden costs" ex... tools, bags, hoses etc that you will either need to have to install the motor or replace on the motor... remember that it is alot easier to work on a motor outside of the engine compartment than in... do as much as you can afford to do before installing the motor.

There are also different gens and groups of this motor... your basic 3sgte is gonna have about 200hp at the flywheel... that means around 180 goes to the ground. The hp rating goes up from there. Also the JDM verisons of the 3sgte are going to have higher HP ratings than the USDM versions. but the USDM's are going to be easier to locate.

Also there are problems with the tranny in some of the gens of 3sgte's... because the tranny is allwheel drive and the USDM 6th gen celica is front wheel drive only there are sometimes problems with the rear transfercase.... what this meas is that the tranny is sometimes a posi... that mean that the power is going to go the wheels with the least amount of resistance..... in other word if you hook the tranny on to the USDM 6th gen and it has a posi transmission then you car will not even move.... the power is going to try and go the the rear wheels instead of the front ones... this is because the rear transfercase isn't hooked up to anything... it will just spin. you can have a transmission shop lock this for you but you will not be able to use it in the future if you decide to convert to allwheel drive... conveting to all wheel drive is the best option if you can afford to do it as you will get all of the benifits of this engine....

for info about the allwheel drive conversion contact me.... hope all of this helps.


99 project version 3.0.. hello SEMA 2010 =)

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