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> Where to mount a cutout
post Mar 16, 2006 - 4:38 PM
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Joined Oct 22, '02
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I just bought an exhaust cutout and I'm trying to figure out where along the exhaust pipe I should install it, has anyone got any pictures of our underneath our cars? I need to see exactly where the best place to mount the cutout would be, also if anyone here has a cutout please let me know where you mounted it thanks!!

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post Mar 17, 2006 - 2:01 PM
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Joined Jun 1, '03
From WV
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I think the ideal as far as spacing, is going too be before the resonater. There is a big strech of pipe there that doesn't have bends or anything. Why did you get it for a NA car with no serious mods? I'm sorry to say, but all it's going to do is make it loud. You might actually pick up a couple hp, but nothing you couldn't get from a good exhaust. I cut my pipe before the resinater and drove like that for a couple miles. I did this when I was removing the resonater. The sound was so loud it gave me a headache in just a couple minutes. My advice is to try and resell this thing. But, if you really want to keep it, mount it before the resinater. Might think about a good header too. That will probably pick up hp numbers a decent amount.

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