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> Custom Cold Air Intake
post Jun 23, 2003 - 3:03 PM
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Joined Dec 12, '02
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Just a couple of questions, I was on the "how to" section of 6gc and I'm interested in making my own cold air intake.
I was just wondering the difference in a self made one, and one made from Injen or Dr.Cai

difference in Performance, Quality, Sound?

if the differences are Signifigant then I might just buy one, but if there isn't THAT much of a difference I think it would be pretty fun to make my own, cheap and something to be proud of.

one more question, what's a bypass valve and where in the intake would it go?
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post Jul 4, 2003 - 12:09 AM
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Joined Jun 28, '03
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I have made many different cold air intakes for my 95 5FSE motor. They have all worked great. Sizes ranging from 2"-4". Currently I have a 2"-3"-4" made out of vent ducting for an A/C system with a 4" K&N cone filter. There is a HP gain around 3100-4900+RPM and nice deep tone (sounds like I have exhaust!) Im not sure how much of a HP gain but sure beats my brothers $175 Iceman in his Integra and I only spent $75! Im planning to add a turbo to my motor and will be making another intake setup for that probably out of 2.5" or 3" aluminum exhaust pipe. If you like to build things and do the modifications your self making your own short ram/cold air intake is the way to go. If you have the money to spend and just want something everyone else has go with a Injen or Dr.Cai. Any questions or pics email me.

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