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> Went junkyarding yesterday..., Do you think its worth it?
post May 23, 2006 - 11:59 AM
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Joined Feb 5, '05
From pineapple under the sea
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My friend had his SE-R broken into the other day and they stole his CD player, F'ed his dash up and took a bunch of CD's, so we went to the junkyard to get some stuff. When we were there I found an integra, which had been ripped of anything useful. Many-a-B16's. No aftermarket speakers left in any car, but my friend did find a sentra to donate to his cause. On our way out I wanted to take a look-see in where all the engines were. There were a few 7A's, but nothing special inside.Right outside the door I found a 4A-GZE labeled "Bad Motor". This upset me. So we move on to the Toyota yard down the road and found a MKI mr-2 with a GZE in it, only missing the intake manifold and supercharger. only 108K on it. So I got to thinking. I could:

A) Take the GZE from the mr-2, take the "Bad Motor" and piece the missing parts together onto the good one, and also the ECU and harness from the mr-2.


B) Take one of their 7A's (clean!) and the "good" GZE and make a 7age.

The only bad part is that the toyota junkyard is incredibly overpriced. A guy on PSTOC went there for a stock airbox for his older supra and they wanted 50 bucks. He went to the toyota dealership and got it new for 38.

What would you do?

1991 MR2 - T-tops - Crimson Red - Gen3 3SGTE - Lots of money

I'm not really an asshole, but I play one on the internet.
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post May 28, 2006 - 11:51 PM
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Joined Jan 29, '06
From Kitchener, ON, CA
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you mean 7agZe biggrin.gif

B) Take one of their 7A's (clean!) and the "good" GZE and make a 7age.

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