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> *PICS* of my 95 GT totalled, poor thing
post Jul 16, 2003 - 8:45 PM
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Joined Nov 13, '02
From Bangor, Me/ Huntsville, Alabama
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Ok, here's how it went down.

I was driving in Acadia National Park along the park loop road, its a very fun twisty road along the maine coast. I was going along with a couple cars behind me went into 2 90 degree turns, the first one right, the second left. I went into the first turn at around 70, no prob, accelerated into the 2nd to 75-80, the front tires broke lose, then the rear tires, i went back and forth accross the road a couple times, right when it came back for the last time I thought I had it(as did the 2 cars behind me). At that time the rear tire de-beaded and came off the rim, the rim hit the tar, yada yada, the back end went into the ditch, then the rest of the car. I only had liability on the car, so that kinda sucks, but such is life. Just an FYI, I can actually drive, I know this car so well its scary, but when you lose a rear tire at those speeds, nothing you can do around a turn. Here are some pics, some from the nite, the others in my driveway while I part it out.

**see my post in the for sale section if your looking for parts.

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post Jul 16, 2003 - 10:56 PM
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Joined Dec 11, '02
From Sioux Falls, SD, USA
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I think a 6G Celica Wreck of the Week section is in order...

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