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> Dynojet's number are NOT real and 20% HIGHER
post Aug 12, 2006 - 4:48 AM
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Joined May 6, '03
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presure2 wrote:

i deleted your post in the dyno registry.
if you dont have a dyno sheet to include, do not post in there.

I wrote in your dyno registry thread because, if you/we want to make a SERIOUS thread, we HAVE all to talk about apples... not apples and oranges.

So we HAVE to specify if our cars were dynoed on a Dynojet's dyno, because these dynos gives 20% higher than real numbers,
and if we want to compare those numbers to the REAL hp, given by the other dyno machines, we HAVE to take away a 20% from Dynojet's numbers.

MOREOVER, we all shoud speak only about SAE CORRECTED, because ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure change A LOT the power output of the SAME engine, so the SAE correction ( that normalizes all the values to 20 deg C. and 1012 millibar ) is necessary if we want to compare numbers picked up in different situation.

Are you saying were not important things to add in the dyno registry thread ?

When I go to the fruiterer and I buy 1 kg of apple, I WANT 1 kg of apple, NOT 0.8 kg because the fruiterer's scales is corrupt .... and 1 kg weighs the SAME ALL OVER THE WORLD because the kilogram, LIKE ANY OTHER UNIT OF MEASUREMENT, are fixed universally.

So Dynojet's dynos are not legally in order, because they give hp's values 20% higher from real.

Do we have to hide this thruth only because you enjoy talk with your friend, or make a signature, about your 235 whp car ?
I'm sorry, but if you dynoed it on a Dynojet, it would be better if you start talking about 190 WHP car.

presure2 wrote:

if you'd like to debate the diffrences between dynojets and other dynos, feel free to start a new thread, and ill post my stock dyno charts to refute your claim.
( i made 115whp in stock form with a 5sfe, almost exactly in line with toyotas listed flywheel #s.)

It seems to me that you DON'T want to understand:
your dyno charts means nothing.

ANYONE in the world that works in this sector, knows that Dynojet's numbers are UNREAL:
every engine engineer, every serious tuner, every serious mechanic, every people that had dynoed a car on different dynos found out that Dynojet's readings are 20% higher !

As I already reported, the dynojet's maker himself WAS OBLIGED TO ADMIT IT... because it was a valutation error EVIDENT TO ANYONE !

David Buschur,
tired of this ANNOYING fact, and you can imagine, given that he his a big and good tuner, that he was tired... because he had to explain to EVERY customers of him that the cars he makes, have not LESS hp than the competitors' ones.... are simply dynoed on a dyno that reads correctly the horsepower...

" We all just need to be clear that Dynojet numbers ARE NOT ACTUAL WHP NUMBERS. If anything the numbers a Dynojet spits out are more closely related to flywheel numbers.

Before anyone opens their mouth to argue the point, the inventor, designer, originator of the Dynojet openly stated this a few months back in 3 major automotive magazines. I actually quoted what he had to say here.
David Buschur
www.buschurracing.com "

It is not enough if it was the "inventor, designer, originator of the Dynojet" to state this ???

Please.... let's talk about REAL NUMBERS... like in every other forum are already doing !
Only here, we still not specify what was the dyno, and that is definitely not serious.

Anywhere else, when talking about dyno numbers, they ALWAYS specify when " DJ " numbers.

Simply have a look HERE: http://forums.evolutionm.net/showthread.php?t=210073

" hmmm, this is an interesting thread. There are some more things to define though....such as the dyno that was used, that will make a huge difference in dyno numbers. "

" For consistency, people should be quoting SAE correct numbers. "

It's only one of the thousands thread in which they are talking about power numbers, and EVERYONE knows about the crazy Dynojet readings.

OBVIOUSLY, when we are saying that Dynojet's are 20% higher than real, we are ALWAYS talking about SAE corrected numbers, the only numbers that you can compare.

Otherwise, if we still want to talk in the way it was done till now, with the same INACCURACY and SUPERFICIALITY, no problem... this is what we will getting back from this forum.


PS: I think I tell all the members ALL it was needed for them to understand things that are clear to anyone, if you still won't... problem is yours and I'll not add ANY reply to this CLEAR post.

Wolf_Tm (Parma;Italy) [Silat-Kali]
Celica Gt-Four ST205 Snowy White [full TTE/WRC/custom hw home built 3SGTE - 2.34kg/hp DynoDynamics]


PS:You have to know that your Dynojet Whp are false,and closer to other dynos FW hp. Please specify what dyno are your Whp from.
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post Aug 12, 2006 - 10:23 PM
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Joined Aug 31, '02
From Philadelphia, PA
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wolf ... here is my take on this....

at lot of things can have an affect on the dyno numbers you reach. the weather, time of day, where you live, type of dyno, etc... i can go on the best dyno in the world, and make more power because i went in the winter time, while somone with the same mods went in 110F weather.

saying that dynojet gives you "20% more" .... where does this % number come from? ive seen just as many arguments about mustang or dynodynamics dynos made by other people.

lets face it. there is no one gold standard that gives you perfect numbers. one dyno will give you more power then another one. what one is the right one? who knows! the important thing to remember is that if you want to compare 2 cars, then make sure they were on the same type of dyno, and also done with the same weather conditions.

15PSI - 30MPG - Megasquirt Tuned

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